Shows podcast through Hebrew Nation Online link to their most recent podcasts.
Shows By Title
- 2 Stix Ann & Stephen McLeod
- Adventures in Odyssey Focus on the Family
- Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio Avi Ben Mordechai
- Bondservant Ministries Garry Capps
- The Bride of Messiah Richard Ruhling
- Character in Context Tyler Rosenquist
- Come Out of Her My People Mark Call
- Coral Island Focus on the Family
- Daily Audio Torah Laura Densmore
- Days of Noah Bonnie Harvey, LA Marzulli
- Dr. Deb Today Deb Wiley
- Drive Time Friday Al McCarn, Jeff Gilbert, Mark Call
- Flashpoint Bonnie Harvey
- Focus on Israel Eddie Chumney
- Foundations for Life Michael Clayton
- From Stone to Flesh David Jones
- Haven’t You Heard Douglas Foster
- Healing For The Nations Lauralee, A Modern Samaritan Woman
- Healthy Talk Dr. Asa
- The Heartland Connection Zac Waller
- Hey! Let’s Midrash! The McDonalds
- His Word Heals Dawn Hagedorn
- Home School How Tos Renee Ellison
- Identifying the Messiah – Steven ben Nun
- Image Bearers Radio – Joe Aymond
- In the Spirit of Josiah – Lee Miller
- Jackson Snyder Presents Jackson Snyder
- Jay in the Way Jay Scher
- Jerusalem Next Kimberly Rogers-Brown
- Kadosh Shachah Robert Randall
- Kimberly Current Kimberly Rogers-Brown
- Kid’s Corner Focus on the Family
- Lion & Lamb Ministries Monte Judah
- Lion’s Path Cole Davis
- Live Answers from the Scriptures Jay Scher
- Living Torah Mike Clayton
- Measure the Pattern Debbie Goode, Joseph Goode, Scott Paddock
- Messianic Message Kimberly Rogers-Brown
- Monday Morning Show – Remnant Road Al McCarn, Daniel Holdings
- New2Torah
- Now is The Time Steve Berkson
- Our Hebraic Heritage Eddie Chumney
- Prayer Nation Force Carolee Coleman, Kelly Ferari Mills
- Prepping 2.0
- Rabbi’s Son Bill Bullock
- Ranger Bill Focus on the Family
- The Real Side Joe Messina
- Reconnect Barry Phillips
- Reunion Roadmap B’Ney Yosef North America
- Revealing the Truth David Brett
- Rhyme and Reason Ian Michaels
- Setting History Straight Linda Watson
- Shabbat Night Live Michael Rood
- There Has to Be More Carol Foster
- Thursday Morning Show – Wake Up Perry Gerhart, Ron Gray
- Torah and Testimony Hezikiah Hass
- Torah Class Holissa Alewine
- Torah Home Anne Elliott
- Torah Teachers Round Table Mark Call, Rob Miller
- Tuesday Morning Show – 3 Wise Guys Rollyn Betts, Aaron Huddart, Tuck Meyes
- Wisdom in Torah Rico Cortes
- Wonderful Things Bill Bullock
- Yahweh’s Restoration Fellowship Pastor Randy Follard
Shows By Host
- Aaron Huddart Tuesday Morning Show – 3 Wise Guys
- Al McCarn Monday Morning Show – Remnant Road, Drive Time Friday
- Ann & Stephen McLeod 2 Stix
- Anne Elliott Torah Home
- Avi Ben Mordechai Ancient Roads: Real Israel Talk Radio
- Barry Phillips Reconnect
- Bill Bullock, Rabbi’s Son, Wonderful Things
- B’ney Yosef North America Reunion Roadmap
- Bonnie Harvey Flashpoint, Days of Noah
- Carol Foster There Has to Be More
- Carolee Coleman Prayer Nation Force
- Cole Davis Lion’s Path
- Daniel Holdings Monday Morning Show – Remnant Road
- David Brett Revealing the Truth
- David Jones From Stone to Flesh
- Dawn Hagedorn His Word Heals
- Deb Wiley Dr. Deb Today
- Debbie Goode Measure the Pattern
- Douglas Foster Haven’t You Heard
- Dr. Asa Healthy Talk
- Eddie Chumney Focus on Israel, Our Hebraic Heritage
- Focus on the Family Adventures in Odyssey, Kid’s Corner, Coral Island, Ranger Bill
- Garry Capps Bondservant Ministries
- Gus Bergstrom Tuesday Morning Show – 3 Wise Guys
- Hezikiah Hass Torah and Testimony
- Holissa Alewine Torah Class
- Ian Michaels Rhyme and Reason
- Jackson Snyder Jackson Snyder Presents
- Jay Scher Jay in the Way, Live Answers from the Scriptures
- Jeff Gilbert Drive Time Friday
- Joe Aymond – Image Bearers Radio
- Joseph Goode Measure the Pattern
- Kelly Ferari Mills Prayer Nation Force
- Kimberly Rogers-Brown Jerusalem Next, Messianic Message, Kimberly Current
- LA Marzulli Days of Noah
- Laura Densmore Daily Audio Torah
- Lauralee, A Modern Samaritan Woman Healing For The Nations
- Lee Miller In the Spirit of Josiah
- Linda Watson Setting History Straight
- Mark Call Drive Time Friday, Come Out of Her My People, Torah Teachers Round Table
- The McDonalds Hey! Let’s Midrash!
- Michael Clayton Foundations for Life, Living Torah
- Michael Rood Shabbat Night Live
- Monte Judah Lion & Lamb Ministries
- Perry Gerhart Thursday Morning Show – Wake Up
- Pastor Randy Follard Yahweh’s Restoration Fellowship
- Renee Ellison Home School How Tos
- Richard Ruhling The Bride of Messiah
- Rick Gustin Tuesday Morning Show – 3 Wise Guys
- Rico Cortes Wisdom in Torah
- Rob Miller Torah Teachers Round Table
- Robert Randall Kadosh Shachah
- Rollyn Betts Tuesday Morning Show – 3 Wise Guys
- Ron Gray Thursday Morning Show – Wake Up
- Scott Paddock Measure the Pattern
- Steve Berkson Now is the Time
- Steven ben Nun Identifying the Messiah
- Tuck Meyes Tuesday Morning Show – 3 Wise Guys
- Tyler Rosenquist Character in Context
- Zac Waller The Heartland Connection
Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday
News and commentary for Monday, 13 January, 2025. One week to go, so they're pullin' out the stops...
What Biblical group was the origin of the present-day Jewish Orthodoxy? What did Yeshua have to say about this group? Why does President Trump want the Gulf, the Canal, and Greenland? What would be involved in making America the crypto/bitcoin capital of the world...
Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Forgiveness, Resolution, Reconciliation & Restoration | Part 2
How important is forgiveness? Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us to Matthew chapter six where he shows us the “model prayer” given by Yeshua when His disciples asked how they should pray. In the prayer, which is just an outline for how to pray, Yeshua hits the issue of...
Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 140 (A Gift Horse)
This week we will do more work with the gift exchange between the bride and bridegroom. These exchanges occur from the time between their betrothal at Mt. Sinai and when the Bride is drawn into the Cloud of His Presence at the resurrection. To review from last week, the Bride sent gifts to the Groom to build a place for His Presence to dwell. In return, the Groom gifted Betzalel and Oholiav with the Divine ruach to transform those gifts into the Mishkan (Tabernacle). The Bride brought the Bridegroom thirteen items as gifts for the building of the Mishkan:
Turquoise wool
Purple wool
Scarlet wool
Goat hair
Red-dyed ram skins
Tachash skins
Acacia wood
Shoham stones
Stones for the settings
This list does not include items that were depletable, such as olive oil and spices for anointment. Then the Bridegroom gave her similar gifts, each mirroring one of her gifts to Him for the preparation of a Mishkan to make a place for His Presence to dwell with her:
“I also clothed you with embroidered cloth and put sandals of porpoise skin on your feet; and I wrapped you with fine linen and covered you with silk. I adorned you with ornaments, put bracelets on your hands and a necklace around your neck. I also put a ring in your nostril, earrings in your ears and a beautiful crown on your head. Thus you were adorned with gold and silver, and your dress was of fine linen, silk and embroidered cloth. You ate fine flour, honey and oil; so you were exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. Then your fame went forth among the nations on account of your beauty, for it was perfect because of My splendor which I bestowed on you,” declares the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 16:10-14)
Enumerated for easier reading:
Embroidered cloth
Tachash (porpoise or badger) sandals
Fine linen (priesthood)
Silk (“cloud of glory”)
Bracelets (tablets of Ten Words)
Necklace (words of Torah bound around the neck/heart)
Nose ring (justice)
Earrings (Shma)
Crown of beauty (Divine Presence Is 60:19)
Gold (purity of Torah)
Silver (redemption)
Fame (of the Groom’s Name)
Again, the pattern is that the Bride brings earthly gifts, which the Bridegroom matches with spiritual gifts. The Bride contributes earthly resources, and the Groom mirrors them with Heavenly resources.
If she understands that that are two realms, and she understands He is Creator and she is created, she realizes the gifts weren’t hers at all. It was because of Adonai that the Hebrews plundered the Egyptians. He redesignated the wealth of the Egyptians to the Hebrews. The gifts Israel gave were His. He created them. It’s all His.
Adonai puts wealth in our pockets, so we can’t think when we contribute something to the congregation that it’s coming out of our pockets. It’s coming out of His creation. He even gives the ability to earn that money or that gift. Without His giving the ability to earn, we could bring no gift. Lots of people on this earth do not have the ability to earn anything at all. They have disabilities. Some can only earn a little. Simply to be born with the ability to go out and earn, labor, and collect that paycheck is a gift from Heaven.
We are brought up to believe we earn our paychecks, but they all originate in His Creation, and Elohim chose to make us able-bodied and healthy so we could give back to Him. He lets you put it in your pocket as if it’s yours. But we can’t be too sassy because He created both the Bride and the earth that yields its resources to her. That’s hard to acknowledge when we associate reward with the work that we do.
Yes, you contributed. You contributed your earthly natural resources to that paycheck, and you contributed some of that treasure back to Him. This made it holy. Designated. Just like the Bride. She is holy to the Groom. Designated to Him alone. The Groom rewarded you with the spiritual resources so that its status changed. It’s no longer secular, mundane, but a holy offering or tithe. The earth and its fulness belong to Elohim, yet He wants His unique creation, human beings, to take from that earth and offer a fine gift to Him. By passing the resource through the human being, it is elevated to holy status as the gift completes the circle back to the Creator.
Some believers, for whatever reason, choose not to give gifts to their Creator, or they give only sparingly…even though they have enough to do so, like Kain. Whatever the reason, they are limiting what the Groom will give them. The pattern is that He responds with a similar spiritual gift to the natural gift the Bride sends Him. Worse yet, there are non-workers. They have the ability to earn, they are believers, yet they have a pattern of not working at all or being such a lousy worker that they ensure they cannot hold a job to provide for their families, much less give holy gifts to the Creator. While the stingy believer withholds what he has, the non-worker refuses to even earn anything that could lead to the willing heart decision to give.
The Bridegroom wants us fully involved in the gift transaction, contributing to the welcoming of His presence. When we contribute earthly resources, we draw down His presence. He responds with similar gifts from the spiritual realm.
The future temple is the way that the Bridegroom imagined His creation. Every creation starts with an imagination, and so He imagined a creation that would be a fusion of earth and spirit, a perfect fusion that would be willingly obedient. Not spiritual beings, not more angels, but rather, messengers of obedience that would also respond from the earthly side of them. He would respond again with the spiritual, and it would be a marriage of realms.
Isaiah’s list of spiritual gifts to the Bride is an example of how the bridegroom in this interim sends gifts to the bride. She also sends gifts to him, and it heightens the anticipation. You get to know the other person sometimes by the gift. If somebody gives you a gift who’s never given you a gift before, you might be a little anxious because you don’t really know what kind of gift they’re going to think is a gift compared to what you think a gift is. I knew this sweet little old lady years ago, and she would go to thrift sales and bring me the moldiest smelling used clothes when she cleaned her closet. To her, it was the greatest gift of all, and I had to respond as if it was the greatest gift of all, because I understood the heart that was behind it.
There’s some trepidation when someone we don’t know well says, “I brought you this gift,” and we have no idea what’s going to be in the package when we open it! It will tell you a lot about the person, though. When we open the gifts of the Bridegroom, and when He opens our gifts, it tells us a lot about each other. We’re learning the nature and the character, the likes and the dislikes of one another in this interim period.
There’s times when I love to open these spiritual gifts because they’re awesome. They’re splendorous. They’re wondrous. I wouldn’t have even imagined to ask for the gift because I didn’t even know it existed until He gave it to me.
And then there’s other times the Groom gives a gift, and I have some reservations, because, it’s like a gift horse. If you look that gift horse in the mouth, you know that with this gift is going to come greater responsibility, greater demands, greater tests, greater trials. And you know that’s the reason it’s a gift is because those tests and trials are going to take you to another level of holiness, not because He’s unloaded some worn out old nag on you and called it a gift.
There’s going to be a price to pay for accepting this gift, but who would refuse a spiritual gift? We’re supposed to earnestly covet them. That’s a thing we’re allowed to covet, but they do sometimes come with a price when we open them. The bridegroom’s spiritual gifts are designed to increase our holiness because this fusion of heaven and earth called the New Jerusalem will be a completely holy place. Many people will visit from the nations; they will come up and visit at the feasts, but they go home.
Those who are recorded for life in Jerusalem will be called holy:
In that day the Branch of the LORD will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of Israel. It will come about that he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem will be called holy—everyone who is recorded for life in Jerusalem. When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and purged the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of burning, then the LORD will create over the whole area of Mount Zion and over her assemblies a cloud by day, even smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory will be a canopy. There will be a shelter to give shade from the heat by day, and refuge and protection from the storm and the rain. (Is 4:2-6)
There will be people recorded for life, but life somewhere else.
The Bride is recorded for life in Jerusalem, because, remember, there’s no rebellion in her. She has completely embraced the pomegranates (mitzvot) of the Bridegroom, the customary gift of the Bridegroom to the Bride while she awaits his coming. She has completely embraced His will, and there is no vestige or shred of rebellion left in her that would cause her to violate His will in this extremely holy place. If you violate His will in this extremely holy place, we have the pattern in Genesis. You get kicked out.
You can be recorded for life somewhere else, but not in the most holy place, where there must be 100% obedience and submission. “We will do, and we will hear” is the agreement of the Bride to the Bridegroom’s conditions of the marriage. Through the power of the Ruach HaKodesh, Yeshua is “grooming” the Bride to conform her will to his and the Father’s will.
This gift horse is no nag, but it can be a challenge to ride because it constantly transforms our earthly gifts into holy gifts of willing obedience. Accepting that gift horse is the only way to complete the circle of personal holiness required for residence in New Jerusalem, a place where natural and spiritual have a perfectly harmonious marriage.
In that day there will be inscribed on the bells of the horses, “HOLY TO THE LORD.” And the cooking pots in the LORD’S house will be like the bowls before the altar. (Zech 14:20)
As she prepares, dedicating her earthly work to Him, allowing Him to turn it into a sacred offering, the Bride transforms more and more into the image of the Creator.
Just as He imagined.
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