Category: Jay in the Way – Jay Scher

This show has a lot of history behind the name. It is on Friday/6th day of the week at 2PM Pacific/5PM Eastern Time. I personally believe those who are in covenant relationship are “of the Way” according to scripture. “the Way” can be found all the way back to Gen 18:19 “For I have known him, so that he commands his children and his household after him, to guard the Way of ????, to do righteousness and right-ruling, so that ???? brings to Ab?raham what He has spoken to him.” and you will see the phrase “the Way” appear so many times throughout scripture from there. This is what Messiah and the 12 were all about “walking in the Way”. This show is full of scripture and examples of how we are to be walking in “the Way” as people of Israel in covenant relationship with Father Yah and Yahushua/Yashua Messiah. This show will give you lots of meat, but in a way that is easy to understand for all.

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The Solar HYDRO was used at Fire and Rescue Station 8 in Beaumont, TX during hurricane Harvey

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