Are you looking for news that challenges the present world narrative? Are you wanting news from a Biblical perspective that may be a bit more honest? If so, this is the place for news that can affect your life.
Latest Podcasts in News
Mark Call – Parsha “Shemot” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
The first Torah portion reading from the Book of Exodus this week is 'Shemot' (Exodus 1:1-6:2), which is of course the Hebrew name of the Book as well. And it begins the story of Moses (Moshe) and the Exodus from Egypt, and bondage, but actually begins even a bit...
Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday
News, commentary, and an extended look at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 18 January, 2025... ...and the last weekend prior to the Date Certain on January 20th. It's not just LA that the Deep State is doing its Satanic best to burn down on the way...
Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday
News and commentary for Thursday, 16 January, 2025.
Drive Time Friday
At just under T-minus 3 days, things are building toward SOME type of crescendo. Just exactly WHAT the Deep State will do is the remaining question. Join David Justice and Mark Call as they discuss the news of the week, and the options ahead.
“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly
Many of us by now have almost gotten used to "The Big Lie." And yet, what are actually seeing really goes far beyond that. In 1984, George Orwell wrote that "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two equals four." Does that include being able to admit that...
Mark Call – Daily News Update Tuesday
News and commentary for Tuesday, 14 January, 2025.
Mark Call – Daily News Update Monday
News and commentary for Monday, 13 January, 2025. One week to go, so they're pullin' out the stops...
Mark Call – Daily News Update Friday
News, commentary, and an extended look at the major events of the week ending Saturday, 11 January, 2025... ...from arson of the Rule of Law in New York, to the merely grossly negligent kind of fires that are burning LA like a modern version of Rome. You can almost...
Drive Time Friday
David Justice and Mark Call discuss the major events of a VERY busy week.
“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly
America, and indeed the entire world, arguably face more "existential threats" now than in any other time in human history. And while there may not appear to be much that we as individuals can do about many of them -- other than pray! -- there are things that we can,...
Mark Call – Daily News Update Thursday
News and commentary for Thursday, 9 January, 2025. From arson to Not-so-Peaceful Transitions, to mind control, and a coverup that spans 70 years - there's a pattern here. And the pre-emptive "pardons" still likely to come are a big part of the continuing story.
Mark Call – Daily News Update Wedneday
News and commentary for Wednesday, 8 January, 2025.