Category: His Word Heals – Dawn Hagedorn

His Word Heals! Join Dawn Hagedorn each week to pray in agreement with our Father’s Word as a corporate body of set-apart believers for His soon coming Kingdom, His people and especially for the physical & spiritual Healing of His people! In addition to praying in agreement with His Word we will take a closer look at why we can know and need to believe that He will hear us and what He actually PROMISES to those that belong to Him. We will also include information and prayer regarding prophetic events we can see coming to pass right before our eyes.

Calendar Authority… Who’s in Charge? Pt2

Solar?  Lunar?  or Both?  In today’s message we are going to briefly revisit the calendar issue, only this time we will include a look at the so-called ‘covenant calendar’ as well as the competing so-called Zadokite calendar.  Even more than the calendars themselves we are going to look at where authority over the biblical calendar should currently be placed according to scripture and where it should not be placed according to scripture.  For this we are going to look at part of our Torah portion from this past week in Numbers 16, as well as the small tribe of Benjamin whose inheritance in the land of Israel was positioned BETWEEN Ephraim & Judah.

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Calendar Authority… Who’s in Charge? Pt1

Solar?  Lunar?  or Both?  In today’s message we are going to briefly revisit the calendar issue, only this time we will include a look at the so-called ‘covenant calendar’ as well as the competing so-called Zadokite calendar.  Even more than the calendars themselves we are going to look at where authority over the biblical calendar should currently be placed according to scripture and where it should not be placed according to scripture.  For this we are going to look at part of our Torah portion from this past week in Numbers 16, as well as the small tribe of Benjamin whose inheritance in the land of Israel was positioned BETWEEN Ephraim & Judah.

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Don’t Grow Weary!

& Don’t be a Glutton?  Today we are going to look at two seemingly unrelated topics, being a glutton and growing weary. First we’ll look at gluttony, both physical AND Spiritual.  We are told in Exodus 16 that the children of Israel murmured against Moses because they wanted meat to eat like they had in Egypt.  We’ll explore not only the obvious physical lesson against physically overeating meat from this story in Exodus as well as a possible Spiritual lesson about over indulging in Spiritual Meat?  We tie all of this in with an encouraging message of not growing weary by taking breaks from Spiritual Meat and refreshing our Spirit in the Milk and Manna of Scripture…  This message is a good reminder to be satisfied with the feast that YHWH sets before each of us and not constantly lust for more (I know I have been guilty of and had to repent for overeating at times (both physically and Spiritually), how about you?;)

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Ezekiel’s Whirlwind Vision of Aurora Borealis Pt2

Ezekiel’s Fiery Whirlwind out of the North (Ezekiel 1:4). Does the book of Ezekiel start out with Ezekiel being given a vision of VERY STRONG low latitude Northern Lights?   Perhaps an end times Carrington-strength event? We know we are to watch the signs in the heavens and as the end of this age draws near we are to look up for our redemption draws near. Are we limited in scripture to watching for solar and lunar eclipses, the stars and planetary alignments? Or could the signs in the heavens spoken of scripture also include aurora’s which are caused by solar storms? Could the wall of untempered mortar which is caused to fall by a stormy wind actually be a technological wall of protection taken down by a solar storm so strong it causes extremely low latitude extremely bright northern lights? Are the faces of the living creatures seen by Ezekiel in chapter 1 perhaps visions of constellations as seen from a north pole vantage point? After all the north pole is where the northern lights or whirlwind out of the north originates from? All of this is what we begin to explore in this video which is part 1 in a series on this subject. Aurora Borealis in scripture, northern lights in the bible, signs in the heavens, Ezekiel’s vision of the northern lights.

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Ezekiel’s Whirlwind Vision of Aurora Borealis Pt1

Ezekiel’s Fiery Whirlwind out of the North (Ezekiel 1:4). Does the book of Ezekiel start out with Ezekiel being given a vision of VERY STRONG low latitude Northern Lights?   Perhaps an end times Carrington-strength event? We know we are to watch the signs in the heavens and as the end of this age draws near we are to look up for our redemption draws near. Are we limited in scripture to watching for solar and lunar eclipses, the stars and planetary alignments? Or could the signs in the heavens spoken of scripture also include aurora’s which are caused by solar storms? Could the wall of untempered mortar which is caused to fall by a stormy wind actually be a technological wall of protection taken down by a solar storm so strong it causes extremely low latitude extremely bright northern lights? Are the faces of the living creatures seen by Ezekiel in chapter 1 perhaps visions of constellations as seen from a north pole vantage point? After all the north pole is where the northern lights or whirlwind out of the north originates from? All of this is what we begin to explore in this video which is part 1 in a series on this subject. Aurora Borealis in scripture, northern lights in the bible, signs in the heavens, Ezekiel’s vision of the northern lights.

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2 Leavened Loaves, Redemption of Firstborn… Pt3

…& Trading a Wooden Yoke for an Iron Yoke. Today’s message started to formulate about the 7th day of unleavened bread this past week. First I’m going to outline the progression of this message, then I will expound on all of these points. 1) The Shavuot wave offering of two leavened loaves of bread could represent the 2 houses of Israel, YHWH’s two sons as a wheat harvest firstfruits offering. 2) YHWH says Israel and Ephraim are His first born sons in Ex 4:22 and Jer 31:9, hence they/we are also a first born firstfruits offering that He has redeemed with the Blood of His Passover Lamb. 3) Backing up from Jer 31:9 for context I started reading in Jer 27 about Hannaniah’s false prophecy of deliverance from the wooden yoke of Babylon. To which Jeremiah calls him a false prophet leading people who listen to him into a false sense of deliverance and causing them to fight against the judgement of the wooden yoke of Babylon which is actually judgement from Yah for their wickedness. Through Jeremiah YHWH tells them that the broken wooden yoke of Babylon would be replaced with an iron yoke! So we came full circle from our thief in the night admonition about the false prophets of the take back America Christian Nationalist movement to what we believe is truly a message for us today which was delivered by Jeremiah thousands of years ago. All the scriptures for this message came together just a day or two BEFORE the free speech quashing bill HR 6090 passed from the House of Representatives to the Senate and BEFORE WE WERE EVEN AWARE OF THIS PROPOSED BILL! The conservative take back America, maga, Zionist, Christian Nationalist, secure our border, conservative movement in the US which appears to be trying to remove the yoke of tyranny and corruption, may actually be succeeding in breaking the wooden yoke of Babylon only to have it replaced with a soon to come iron yoke!!!

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2 Leavened Loaves, Redemption of Firstborn… Pt2

…& Trading a Wooden Yoke for an Iron Yoke. Today’s message started to formulate about the 7th day of unleavened bread this past week. First I’m going to outline the progression of this message, then I will expound on all of these points. 1) The Shavuot wave offering of two leavened loaves of bread could represent the 2 houses of Israel, YHWH’s two sons as a wheat harvest firstfruits offering. 2) YHWH says Israel and Ephraim are His first born sons in Ex 4:22 and Jer 31:9, hence they/we are also a first born firstfruits offering that He has redeemed with the Blood of His Passover Lamb. 3) Backing up from Jer 31:9 for context I started reading in Jer 27 about Hannaniah’s false prophecy of deliverance from the wooden yoke of Babylon. To which Jeremiah calls him a false prophet leading people who listen to him into a false sense of deliverance and causing them to fight against the judgement of the wooden yoke of Babylon which is actually judgement from Yah for their wickedness. Through Jeremiah YHWH tells them that the broken wooden yoke of Babylon would be replaced with an iron yoke! So we came full circle from our thief in the night admonition about the false prophets of the take back America Christian Nationalist movement to what we believe is truly a message for us today which was delivered by Jeremiah thousands of years ago. All the scriptures for this message came together just a day or two BEFORE the free speech quashing bill HR 6090 passed from the House of Representatives to the Senate and BEFORE WE WERE EVEN AWARE OF THIS PROPOSED BILL! The conservative take back America, maga, Zionist, Christian Nationalist, secure our border, conservative movement in the US which appears to be trying to remove the yoke of tyranny and corruption, may actually be succeeding in breaking the wooden yoke of Babylon only to have it replaced with a soon to come iron yoke!!!

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2 Leavened Loaves, Redemption of Firstborn…

…& Trading a Wooden Yoke for an Iron Yoke. Today’s message started to formulate about the 7th day of unleavened bread this past week. First I’m going to outline the progression of this message, then I will expound on all of these points. 1) The Shavuot wave offering of two leavened loaves of bread could represent the 2 houses of Israel, YHWH’s two sons as a wheat harvest firstfruits offering. 2) YHWH says Israel and Ephraim are His first born sons in Ex 4:22 and Jer 31:9, hence they/we are also a first born firstfruits offering that He has redeemed with the Blood of His Passover Lamb. 3) Backing up from Jer 31:9 for context I started reading in Jer 27 about Hannaniah’s false prophecy of deliverance from the wooden yoke of Babylon. To which Jeremiah calls him a false prophet leading people who listen to him into a false sense of deliverance and causing them to fight against the judgement of the wooden yoke of Babylon which is actually judgement from Yah for their wickedness. Through Jeremiah YHWH tells them that the broken wooden yoke of Babylon would be replaced with an iron yoke! So we came full circle from our thief in the night admonition about the false prophets of the take back America Christian Nationalist movement to what we believe is truly a message for us today which was delivered by Jeremiah thousands of years ago. All the scriptures for this message came together just a day or two BEFORE the free speech quashing bill HR 6090 passed from the House of Representatives to the Senate and BEFORE WE WERE EVEN AWARE OF THIS PROPOSED BILL! The conservative take back America, maga, Zionist, Christian Nationalist, secure our border, conservative movement in the US which appears to be trying to remove the yoke of tyranny and corruption, may actually be succeeding in breaking the wooden yoke of Babylon only to have it replaced with a soon to come iron yoke!!!

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Like a Thief in the Night Pt2

But you are not asleep… so then who is?  What nation or entity is sleeping?  Are those that are asleep listening to false prophets that are declaring peace and safety?  Is sudden destruction going to come upon the scoffers who are ignoring or dismissing the many ‘signs in the heavens’?  Are many of us currently abiding in that nation or entity that is about to be broken into?  Lots of scriptural evidence for our thoughts on who or what entity represents those that are asleep and why we should be watching for the THIEF IN THE NIGHT at all times but possibly sooner than later.

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Like a Thief in the Night

But you are not asleep… so then who is?  What nation or entity is sleeping?  Are those that are asleep listening to false prophets that are declaring peace and safety?  Is sudden destruction going to come upon the scoffers who are ignoring or dismissing the many ‘signs in the heavens’?  Are many of us currently abiding in that nation or entity that is about to be broken into?  Lots of scriptural evidence for our thoughts on who or what entity represents those that are asleep and why we should be watching for the THIEF IN THE NIGHT at all times but possibly sooner than later.

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Hidden Leaven… In Plain Sight!

Originally from PASSOVER 2022 BUT EVEN MORE RELEVANT & PROFOUND TODAY THAN IT WAS 2 YEARS AGO! – Passover, Leaven & Judging Others… Should We? – Are we as a chosen & transformed people, who do our best to follow all the instructions of YHWH (His Torah) that we are able to follow, looking right past Leaven or Sin in our own lives which is actually hiding right out in the open for outsiders to see and judge as wicked? Then tackling another big issue which is actually interconnected with hidden leaven, should we be judging one another? the world? or ourselves? What does judging mean anyway? Did you know there are actually at least 2 main Greek words that are both translated into English as judge? Let’s insert the correct meanings in order to understand judging better.

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The Song of Moses, the Song of the Lamb & the New Song. We know that the Song of Moses is found in Deuteronomy, but where can we find the Song of the Lamb?  How about the New Song that can only be learned by the 144,000?  Are there clues in scripture as to what the New Song will be?  What might we learn ABOUT the singers of these songs with regard to their whereabouts (during the tribulation and wrath) from the songs they sing?  You might be surprised!  This is part 2 of a 2 part introductory series.  Then we plan to dig into the details of the New Song & 144,000 that sing it!

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