The earthquake that initiates the end-time “day of the Lord” (a 7-year period of judgment with 7 trumpets and 7 vials) is encoded as a “knock” in Revelation 3:20–that’s how the ancient church of Laodicea ended. Laodicea means “people in a time of judgment” and that lukewarm materialistic church typifies western Christianity and it ended in an earthquake circa 63 AD. Type and antitype for US and us!
The earthquake is also encoded as a ‘lion’s roar’ in Rev 6:1 and 10:3. “The Lord shall roar…the heavens and earth shall shake” (Joel 3:16) when God “will shake terribly the earth.” Isa 2:12,21. Both passages are about when “the day of the Lord” begins. Please share with your ‘Schindler’s List’–people who want to be spared!
Richard Ruhling is MD, MPH, board-certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiolgoy Fellowship and taught Health Science at Loma Linda University.
His interest in prophecy dates to 1986 when he attended a conference and learned about God's name, Y'shua, feast days and jubilee.
He believes "the day of the Lord" will begin in 2023 with Muslim's taking Jerusalem (Zech 14:1,2) at Passover followed by the earthquake of Joel 3:16 a month later (2nd Passover as provided in Numbers 9:11 as explained in this series titled "The Bride of Christ."
The King makes a marriage for His Son and sends His serviants to bid others to the wedding. Please invite others to this series (Matt 22:2-10.
Readiness for impending events has the highest reward in Luke 12:35-44. Are we serious about what is so important to Y'shua that He is giving us so much--"to whom much is given, much is required" verse 48. Please join us!