Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at parsha Shemot (Exodus 1:1 through 6:1) — the first installment in the story of the life of Moshe (Moses) and the beginning of The Exodus.

We all almost certainly know much of the story: a Pharoah arose who “knew not Joseph,” wanted to kill of the boy Hebrew babies, and how Moses was put in an ark in the Nile, and rescued by – among others! – Pharoah’s daughter.

But, as we’ve also come to understand, there is FAR more…

First, the Erev Shabbat overview of the whole parsha:

The Sabbath Day teaching is about tackling what is, perhaps never more so than now, a “matter of life and death.” And that really is THE central theme of this new Book as well.

Mark has suggested for several years during the studies of the Exodus that “ki ani Yahuah” is one of the most fundamental descriptions for the ‘moral of the story’:

that ‘kol Israel’ – all of ’em – will know that “I AM Yahuah.”

that Pharoah will know that “ki ani Yahuah.” That all Egypt will know, that we will know, that, ultimately, all the world will know “ki ani Yahuah.”

But there’s also something more ‘subtle,’ and yet also more insidious, and, yes, ‘satanic’ at issue, too. Why does this story make such a clear point – up front – about the midwives who obviously didn’t hear the sun-god-day school lesson about Romans 13 (arguably, “as twisted”.)

Is there a difference after all between Power and Authority? And even Who’s we’re talking about?

“Shemot: ‘Power’ != [ is NOT Equal To! ] ‘Authority’ “

The combined two-part podcast is here: