Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at what becomes the second in the set of the most foundational parashot in the whole of Torah, “Ekev” (Deuteronomy 7:12 – 11:25). And it may also be one of the best demonstrations of just why and what we are to “come out of” the ‘lies we have inherited from our fathers.”

The Erev Shabbat overview:

The Sabbath Day ‘deeper look’ will upset some. It should.

If we even begin to understand the depth of the instruction in this parsha, we can see how abhorrent the idolatry that once got the ‘sons of Israel’ – BOTH kingdoms, northern and southern, “kicked out” of the land is to Him. And STILL IS!

First Moses, then many other prophets warned of the ‘curses’ which come as a consequence of rebellion to Yahuah. Today, what can only be called accurately the ‘whore church’ tells people to accept idolatry that Yah Himself calls “abomination.” They espouse some of the biggest lies in human history, including that He Himself did away with His own Word, and ‘nailed it to the cross.’ Because He somehow isn’t the same, “yesterday, today, and tomorrow,” that He can’t be trusted to keep His promises, and that when He said “not one yod or tiddle” of His instruction (‘torah’) will pass as long as heaven and earth still exist – obviously He was lying.

For those that have trouble explaining to friends and family just exactly what we should “come out of,” and why, THIS is the parsha to point them to.

He HATES idolatry. And the Whore Church in it!

It’s simply not enough to ‘disdain’ pagan Ishtar eggs and trees celebrating the ‘sun god’ and his day. This Torah portion lays it on the line, whether we like it or not. And the consequences are increasingly clear, literally each and every day.

We are to DETEST the pagan things that infest not just explicit ‘satan worship, but the whore church as well. The end of Deuteronomy chapter 7 is one of the most painfully blunt commandments in the Book. “Don’t even covet the gold or silver that is on,” those abominations. “Don’t EVEN bring the accursed thing into your HOUSE,” because you will be accursed just like it!

It’s a TRAP, a SNARE. And it’s a test.

We are in exile because our father’s fathers’ fathers’…failed it. And the whore church – BOTH house of it! – still are!

This parsha is, again, all about just how we can, and must, be “tzaddikim,” people who ‘study to show ourselves approved, and truly “shema”, hear and obey, ALL of his statutes, judgments, and commandments.

Be forewarned. This one may not be easy to listen to. Ancient Israel didn’t either.

And the lesson has never been more important.

“Ekev: Don’t Bring the Curse Into Your House! – but Love Him in Obedience”

The combined two-part teaching: