Haggai, Zechariah & King Darius’ 2nd Year – Program 66

This is the next installment of what has turned into a series about the time after the 70 years of Jewish Babylonian exile and the rebuilding of the temple.  I didn’t realize when starting this study that it would lead down the trail that it has.  If you’ve been listening the last few weeks then you know this all started with my having been awakened on a Sabbath this past February with ‘November 12 then backup 10 days to November 2’ clearly on my mind.  So I checked to see what those dates would be this year on the biblical calendar.  It wasn’t until November 2-12 arrived that I really began this study and it is becoming quite interesting (to me anyway, I hope it is to you as well because I think we have barely scratched the surface.)

I’ve heard a lot of people compare Trump to King Cyrus, however moving the US embassy to Jerusalem was not originally decreed by Trump, he just confirmed it with action by getting it done, perhaps more like King Darius than King Cyrus.  If so, then perhaps these first two years of Trump are more like the first two years of King Darius (Haggai’s prophecy received in the second year AS WELL AS Zechariah’s prophecy of Chapters 1-6 which were given to him in the 2nd year of King Darius) and the next two years of Trump lead up to the 4th year of Trump (i.e. Zechariah’s prophecy of chapters 7-14 was given in the 4th year of King Darius).  Is the circular re-fulfillment of Haggai and Zechariah’s prophecies all coming together in our day?  Time will tell.

THIS WEEK we will take a little closer look at the 2nd year of King Darius in Haggai and Zechariah 1-6, if for no other reason it is a good excuse to read these powerful prophecies again together!  Stay tuned for next week’s program as well and if you missed last week’s program, you can download it for free at our website (below).  I AM CURRENTLY WORKING ON NEXT WEEK’S PROGRAM in which I attempt to put all of the time lines of Ezra, Haggai and Zechariah into chronological order and then compare them to today to see if there is indeed anything to our theory about Trump and King Darius.  Stay tuned :-).

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You can reach me, Dawn Hagedorn, by emailing hiswordheals@hebrewnation.net

Blessings and Shalom!