Dead Sea Scrolls, Zadokite Calendar & SAMARITANS Pt4
Did you know the Samaritans had an APOSTATE Zadokite priesthood? PART 4 OF 4. Who were/are Samaritans? Could some of them have been SOME the self proclaimed “Sons of Zadok” who lived in Qumran and/or wrote SOME of the Dead Sea Scrolls including the so-called ‘Zadokite Calendar’? In this message we will introduce you to the Samaritans and show you from scripture as well as the writings of Josephus as a second witness and scholarly writings with regard to the Dead Sea scrolls as a third witness that these ‘sons of Zadok’ MAY WELL BE an offshoot of the Samaritan APOSTATE Zadok priesthood. Did you know the Zadok priesthood was split after the Babylonian captivity and the brother of the actual Jerusalem Zadokite high priest went to Samaria to be the Samaritan high priest making sacrifices in the temple on Mt Gerizim? If not, listen in and we’ll give historic and biblical proof. We’ll explain how and why we believe the descendants of this apostate Zadok priest and his priestly followers are very likely the ancestors of the self proclaimed ‘Sons of Zadok’ with regard to the Dead Sea Scrolls, Qumran and the solar calendar. Since we already opened that pandora’s (calendar) box… here’s our next installment.
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