PART TWO of a multi-part series tackling the subject of what the Bible calls food and asking the question, are we as believers in Yeshua permitted to eat biblically unclean foods such as pork? Of course, I suppose the answer depends on who we are speaking with. On this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio, we will seek to bring some clarity to the biblical idea of making decisions for life or death. After all, consider that the Bible narrative begins in the Genesis Garden of Eden with a food choice and remarkably, the Bible ends with another food choice in the book of Revelation. And in the middle, we can read the words of Yeshua in John 4:32 when he says, “I have food to eat of which you do not know.” With this series of biblical studies, we will seek to lay down a good foundation in order to learn to make good choices by establishing defined boundaries for our redeemed spiritual walk.  On this podcast, Why I Exchanged Salami For Pastrami, I will speak with my wife Suzanne and we will walk through the biblical idea of making choices for life and not death. Join us for this episode 033 on the Torah food diet, which is about the food of Earth as a metaphor to teach us about the food of Heaven.