Surprising Facts of the Jerusalem Embassy Act – Program 67

Can the Jerusalem Embassy Act be compared to the proclamation made by King Cyrus in 539BC for the Israelites (the Southern Kingdom or Jews in particular) to return to Israel from Babylon and rebuild YHWH’s temple?  Since our last program we have uncovered some very surprising facts and parallels that really need to be prayerfully considered.  Are we possibly reliving a different version of Haggai and Zechariah today?

THIS WEEK we look at the history of the literal rebuilding of the second (and perhaps third) temples in light of these surprising facts and related prophecies. Then next week we will look at the spiritual implications of these prophesies and parallels in that perhaps a rebuilding and re-dedication of our Spiritual Temples as well as our physical bodies as the Temple of the Living Elohim is in order during this Hanukah Season.  2Co 6:16  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 

You can visit our website at FOR A FREE KINDLE DOWNLOAD OF THE BOOK ‘IF GOD CAN HEAL HIS PEOPLE, WHY IS THE CHURCH SO SICK?’ AS WELL AS A FREE MP3 DOWNLOAD of our CD called ‘HIS WORD HEALS!’  This CD is one hour of HEALING and other SCRIPTURES SET TO MUSIC CD (including ‘Praise’, ‘Healing’, ‘Psalms 91’, ‘Fear Not’ & ‘Strength’ scriptures). Now you can also support this personal family ministry by purchasing PURE SHEMEN 100% UNDEFILED ESSENTIAL OILS THROUGH THE LINKS ON OUR WEBSITE .  Additionally you will receive 10% of your purchase price toward your next purchase!  This is not a pyramid membership or multi-level marketing scheme so you will save money on most of the oils offered.  This is also a small family operation where you will get personal service and top quality essential oils!

You will be able to listen to all future shows on Hebrew Nation Radio Mondays at 1:30pm Pacific Time live and then the podcast will be available for free download on HNR for 1 week following each program.  After 1 week, you can subscribe to the “Lifestyles – Living” Channel on HNR to listen to or download all of the archived programs or visit our website as well to download all of our past shows.  If you are being blessed by Hebrew Nation Radio please show your support by subscribing to their channels or by an online donation :-). His Word Heals!

You can reach me, Dawn Hagedorn, by emailing Blessings and Shalom!