Jackson Snyder
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Jerusalem Next – Jerusalem & The King’s Feasts
If the King commands you to come to His city for a Feast, can you refuse to show up? What happened to Vashti when she refused to attend her husband’s Feast?
Jerusalem Next-The Meteoric Rise Of Mystery Babylon
The Judeo-Christian beast is fast-tracking the downward spiral into the chaos the Bible calls the Tribulation. In the meantime, Mystery Babylon is experiencing a meteoric rise! Get ready!
Jerusalem Next: COVID & Abraham Accord: Fueling Mystery Babylon’s Rise To Power
Lots of news today ranging from Jerusalem as the world’s rising capital – you know, Mystery Babylon, to some important news about the COVID plan-demic (if I may use a new word I learned from Dr. Mercola) to war in the Mediterranean Sea.
Jerusalem Next: COVID, Peace, Politics & Tribulation Timing: What’s Next?
CDC reveals true number of coronavirus deaths far lower than reported. Persecution on the rise and connected to COVID. Cultural revolution. Timing the Tribulation.
Jerusalem Next: Abraham Accord: The Politics of Peace
What is the second beast of Revelation doing to help Jerusalem rise as Mystery Babylon, the city of Egyptian mystery rites coupled with renewed imperialism AKA ‘king worship’ in which the end time Antichrist king will have an image for people to worship just like Nebuchadnezzar?
Jerusalem Next: A Peace of Abraham
Major prophecy pieces came together in the last few days with two significant events – the Abraham Accord and Kamala Harris as Joe Biden’s running mate. How do these fit Bible prophecy?
The Coming Antichrist: Islamic or Jewish?
The title of today’s broadcast is ‘The Coming Antichrist: Islamic or Jewish? That is a good question and the answer to it is ‘yes’.
The Globalists Civil War That We’re All Trapped In
Just what kind of war the world is now in? It is being touted as a global race war, but it is not. The “race war” face covers up another agenda. While everyone is busy checking out the race war, the globalist elites are moving forward with their plan to implement the biometric-vaccine mark of the beast technology.
A “New” Human Race For The “New Normal”
Doctors are now warning that the human race is about to be permanently altered by the coronavirus vaccine. Wait until you hear what the “new” humans will be!
Deception All Around: What Does Romans 11 Have To Do With The Antichrist?
The riots in America may not be as much for fomenting civil war as for something else. I’ll tell you what that is and will also take a look at Israel’s annexation troubles. But first, more warnings on the dangers the remnant, the elect, face in the days ahead…
The Dragon Speaks From Behind The Mask!
One of the Book of Revelation’s descriptions of the Great Tribulation is now showing up in the news. Listen to find out!
Next Step: “New Normal”
Is Israel being used to show the world the way to the “new normal”? All nations are affected by coronavirus, but the chaos designed to teach the world what not to do is centered in Israel. Why is that?
How Covid-19, The New Economy & Mystery Babylon Are Tied Together
Understand the connection between the grand economic scheme of the New World Order, COVID-19 and Mystery Babylon.
It may be that no one on earth has died from the coronavirus. I know that’s a bold statement but listen to the facts… Facts you’re not supposed to know!
Trump’s Troubles At Home and in Israel
Two situations are afoot in the US that may see President Donald Trump out of a job in November. The first is the confluence of forces now brewing into a full blown political firestorm; the other is what’s happening in Israel over Trump’s proposed “peace plan”.
What Do Abortions Have To Do With The Mark Of The Beast?
The new vaccine delivery method appears to be a means to implant wickedness and disease into everyone who takes the mark of the beast beginning with aborted baby cells!