In Luke 14:1-14 we see Yeshua teaching about honor and shame using the example of the seating arrangement at a wedding feast, making the point about how shameful self-exaltation can be and how honorable it is to have genuine humility. As He was teaching He used a phrase, “resurrection of the righteous”–what does this mean?

How are your vertical and horizontal relationships? Do you understand your place and role? Do you understand that if you have a place of authority over others that you also have an authority over you? Do you conduct yourself accordingly with honor? Are you showing the same kindness and patience to others that was shown to you?

Do you have a “limited definition” of evil? How is evil defined in scripture?

When is public correction of someone appropriate? By whom? What was Paul’s instruction to Timothy his student?

What does the phrase, under the yoke, refer to?

To whom is due “double respect/honor”?

Bringing this teaching to its conclusion, Rabbi Steve Berkson’s desire is for you to understand that as you conduct yourself in ways that bring honor to Messiah and the Father, honor/respect/esteem will come back to you from them and those around you.

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