He thought he had finished the teaching on The Covenant in the last episode, however, Rabbi Berkson felt there were still some things that needed to be talked about. He points out that at first glance what is going on in chapters 9 and 10 really don’t affect our walk, but after a prompt from his Boss to double-check those chapters, here we are!

If you’ve ever been told that the Book of Hebrews is just too hard to understand, then you definitely should watch this episode. Rabbi Berkson breaks down verse by verse, passage by passage, passionately relating the revealed meanings so that you understand and benefit.


• What’s the difference between committing sin by ignorance or defiantly?

• Was there forgiveness of sin under the sacrificial system?

• How is the covenant at Sinai meant to be a “parable” of something?

• In Hebrews 9:10, the author uses the term “set straight”–what does this mean?

• Is there a difference between redemption and forgiveness?

• What exactly did the blood shed by Messiah Yeshua do that surpassed the sacrificial system?

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