Can you say that the things you are suffering now because of your faith are not worthy to be compared to the honor (glory) that shall be revealed in you?

Who’s the ‘he’ that “searches the hearts”?

Is it true that nothing can separate us from the love of Messiah?

Romans 10:4 reads that Messiah is the end of the law for righteousness–what does the word ‘end’ mean in that sentence?

Did Paul misquote Moses in Romans 10:6-8?

As we’ve progressed through the book of Romans, we see how the apostle Paul addresses two major issues among his congregation: 1. The rift between those who are native-born Israeli and those of the nations (Gentiles), and, 2. Paul refers to at least two sets of “laws”, the Torah and the “law of sin and death”.

In this teaching, Rabbi Steve Berkson slowly and methodically takes us through Romans chapters 8 through 10, untangling 2,000 years of erroneous understanding and twisted teaching. He exposes the more sensible scenario in which Paul would actually be writing to his Roman congregation about being Torah observant and not the other way around.

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