Tithing is a part of the Restoration Process–of coming into observance of the Torah. Rabbi Steve Berkson takes us into the book of Nehemiah, chapters 9 and 10 to teach us that as we come into covenant with the Creator, become obedient to His Torah, which includes tithes and offerings, so that those who are ministering among us–teaching us, leading us, helping us to understand–should by our obedient giving be “strengthened in the Torah” and then we in turn the same.

Then moving into Malachi chapter 3 we see Yahweh warning the priests, the Levites, about “robbing” Him concerning tithes and offerings and challenging them, and us, to prove Him to see if He will not open the windows of heaven and pour out more blessings than they can deal with–but they/we must turn from their ways and get back on the righteous path.

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