At Hebrew Nation you will be blessed with songs and education that will bless you and minister to your spirit.
Latest Podcasts in Music
S1E0 Kadosh Shachah “Holy Worship” – Origins
The show begins with Roberts testimony on how God gave him a passion for music, history, and their theological connection to the Holy Bible. Exploring the academic means by which history is taught and establishing a need for biblical musicology (Bible Music History)...
Calming Harp Episode #48
Are you tired of being burdened with the issues of our day? Do you just want to be left alone and allowed to live and breath freely? David has the answer in some of the Psalms he wrote. He was chased through the wilderness by a king who put a bounty on his head. He...
Calming Harp Episode #47
Do you feel oppression surrounding you at times? Does the news seem too dark at times? We are called to be light in the darkness. We are to be light bearers in a world growing ever darker. We are to have a different spirit within us that differentiates us from the...
S2E8 – KADOSH SHACHAH – HOLY WORSHIP – VOCALS part 1 (rebroadcast)
Season two consludes with three Vocal episodes. This podcast examines the various Massoretic “Traditional” worship in Synegogues today, as well as the means by which the priesthood worshiped in the Jerusalem temple. We further more examine the poetic examples of songs...
Calming Harp Episode #46
Does God really mean it when He says Fear not. In Psalm 91 David writes that he will not be afraid. How do we relate to difficulties in our lives? Do we see them as opportunities to develop a strong character and become equipped for the tasks God has determined for us...
S2E9 – KADOSH SHACHAH – HOLY WORSHIP – VOCALS part 2 (Rebroadcast)
This podcast examines the means by which vocal phrasicng in the middle east gave rise to the different cultural approaches to Hebrew vocal music for Ashkenazi, Sephardic, Western, and Egyptian worshipers. Examining the tonal linguistics of Hebrew in comparrison to...
Calming Harp Episode #45
Do you trust your Heavenly Father to watch over you and deal with those who are coming against you? Psalm 25 and 26 are reminders from David that as long as we walk on the path that Abba has recommended for blessings and life, YHVH will take care of the details. I...
Calming Harp Episode #44
Do you feel like a doormat sometimes? Have those in charge seemed like they are profiting at your expense time and time again? David felt the same way and so he wrote Psalm 35 to remind himself and us that there is a day of reckoning for those who are taking advantage...
S2E8 – KADOSH SHACHAH – HOLY WORSHIP – VOCALS part 1 (rebroadcast)
Season two consludes with three Vocal episodes. This podcast examines the various Massoretic “Traditional” worship in Synegogues today, as well as the means by which the priesthood worshiped in the Jerusalem temple. We further more examine the poetic examples of songs...
Calming Harp Episode #43
Do not be afraid!!! In Psalm 23 David says, "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will not be afraid." Are these just words for the Psalmist or does he know something we need to know. I believe his confidence came from being in relationship...
Nearly to the end of Season 2 we examine ancient percussion instruments in the Bible and their application to spiritual warfare, the priests garments, and their cultural evolution. finally we end with an audio sample of the oldest gongs ever used by mankind...
Calming Harp Episode #42
Thanksgiving opens the doors of communication with our Heavenly Father. This episode concentrates on Psalm 18 and encourages us to be thankful through all things reminding us that our Heavenly Father is in control. Even when things don't seem to be going so well, we...