
At Hebrew Nation you will be blessed with songs and education that will bless you and minister to your spirit.

Latest Podcasts in Music

Calming Harp Episode #66

Calming Harp Episode #66

In 1 Kings 18, we find 100 prophets in caves, hiding. A prophet is supposed to be among the people letting them know what God is saying. In this episode, we will look at Psalm 9, 40, and 92 to see how David encourages us to declare and proclaim the wonders of what God...

Calming Harp Episode #65

Calming Harp Episode #65

On this Passover weekend I talk about the wonderful celebration of the sacrifice of Yashua - the Passover Lamb - for us - to offer us Eternal Life! I also talk about how David had Solomon render justice to people who had wronged him during his running from Absolum. In...

Calming Harp Episode #64

Calming Harp Episode #64

As Shirley and I were reading in 2 Samuel 15 when David is being chased by his son Absolum, we noted that he prayed to God to confound Ahithophel's council and cause the plans to be thwarted. In this episode I will be reading from Psalm 52, 57, and 142 which are what...

Calming Harp Episode #63

Calming Harp Episode #63

In this episode we are going to take a look at Psalm 133 that speaks of our unity and how pleasing it is to our Heavenly Father. It COMMANDS a blessing. Isn't it interesting how so many leaders and organizations are working so hard to sow disunity and division among...

Calming Harp Episode #62

Calming Harp Episode #62

After missing a week since my computer was in the shop, it's good to be back. Shirley and I had our 48th anniversary on the 20th and I used that celebration to highlight some of the early recordings of some of the Psalms I did with a wonderful celloist and Shirley...

Calming Harp Episode #61

Calming Harp Episode #61

Psalm 139 is an amazing promise that God has a plan for our lives. Not only did he design us even before we were born, but He now sustains us moment by moment through the twists and turns of our lives. David asks the question of where can we go that He is not there....

Calming Harp Episode #60

Calming Harp Episode #60

Sometimes we are tempted to think that the wicked are getting all the breaks and it doesn't "pay" to follow God's teachings. Malachi 3:13-17 tells us that it may seem that way but God is writing down in a special book the conversations of those who still trust in Him...

Calming Harp Episode #59

Calming Harp Episode #59

Who do you trust now days - with more and more evidence of media sources not telling the truth or at least not the whole story, we are more and more faced with where we can turn to for reliable truth. Psalm 20 tells us that some trust in horses and chariots - but we...

Calming Harp Episode #58

Calming Harp Episode #58

As Moses prepares to go up to view the land before his death, he leaves instructions for Israel - "Those who are here today, and those who are not here," I think that means everybody including you and me! He underscores the idea that by following God's instructions...

Calming Harp Episode #57

Calming Harp Episode #57

As we remember the great things God has done for us and read about what He did for Israel in the great Exodus out of Egypt, we are encouraged that He will be faithful to see us through our own difficulties. We are sharing a Harp selection taken from the Song of Moses...

Calming Harp Episode #56

Calming Harp Episode #56

Reading a sign that said "Pray for your faith to be bigger than your fear" got me thinking. Is it possible to have faith and fear at the same time? The more I thought about it the more I realized that the two cannot coexist. Either you have faith as your guiding...

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