Parsha ‘Vayeshev’ (Genesis chapters 37 through 40) appears to be mostly the first installment in the life of Joseph, and at least an introduction to his brothers, but is far more. The story begins with a description of his dreams, which turn out to be not only a key component of his life, but the lesson as well.

The Erev Shabbat reading begins there:

In the Sabbath day midrash, Mark picks up with three of the primary themes from the reading, from some of what we are being taught about dreams, and their interpretation, to the elements of testing, and chastening, and growth that we see in the connected story of Judah, who becomes the father himself of a line of kings, including the Messiah, to…
…the haftorah from the Book of the prophet Amos, which is particularly relevant this week.

Not only is there the obvious connection of Joseph being sold into slavery, but the insight into the point of prophecy itself.

And that is expanded in the related haftorah reading from Amos. Mark notes that the famous understanding from that prophet, “YHVH does nothing but that He does not reveal His secrets to His servants the prophets,” is just part of the connection. When the warnings have been given – and they have! – and even “the lion has roared,” so, “Who can BUT prophesy?”

“Vayeshev: His Plan, His Tools, and His Timing”

The combined two-part teaching is here: