Parsha “Vayeshev” (Genesis chapters 37 through 40) begins by saying ‘these are the generations of Yakov, or Jacob, but it really starts with the story of Yosef, or Joseph.
In between, there’s a revealing “digression” (OK, actually an ‘atbash’) about Judah beginning to ‘man up,’ and a whole lot of hints about why the challenges they faced are still ever-so-relevant.
The Erev Shabbat (Friday evening) overview and intro lays it all out:
Audio PlayerOver the weekend, the US no-longer-all-that supreme court rolled over for one of the biggest cop-outs in history, and set the stage for what might well be the final step leading to civil war, or perhaps even much worse. For that reason alone, the insight into personal challenges in the life of major figures in Scripture as they walked out what was so clearly ‘His plan’ must not be missed.
Will we recognize not only His hand at work, but His insruction?
“Vayeshev: Preparing His People ‘for such a time as this'”
Audio PlayerThe combined two-part teaching is here:
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