Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a look at parsha “Tazria” (Leviticus chapters 12 and 13).

And for reasons that will hopefully ending up BEING clear, this parsha is one of those that you “may have heard” is now irrelevant, “done-away-with”, and basically not worth studying — but for EXACTLY those reasons is probably more important now than ever, even if not for the reasons we’ve been lied to about.

In the Erev Shabbat review of what that means, the story begins with childbirth, some “not politically-correct” instruction that admittedly can’t be done here in “exile,” and then a litany of what looks like medical text information – but isn’t.

And – in this case, since it’s SO relevant – the recording includes a news summary that helps make that same point, even if “in reverse”.

The Sabbath day teaching is time for a more in-depth look at just WHY something that we’ve “inherited lies from our fathers” about (’cause it’s ‘done away with,’ doncha know…’) is more relevant than ever, precisely BECAUSE we no longer have that “plague-that-ISN’T-leprosy” (tzaraat) to worry about, or correct us.

And again, this portion touches the heart of so very much that is wrong today, and why. How very much like our Creator to show via His Word that the very things we’ve been lied to told are “done away with” are central to the curses and plagues now running so rampant.

“Tazria: ‘Ritually’ UNClean – What’s the Big Deal?”

The combined part 1 and 2 files for both sections are up here, and available for download and off-line listening: