Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa fellowship for a study of the last portions in the Book of Numbers (Bemidbar in the Hebrew), but especially of the “vows,” and what that tells means in a world where they no longer matter.

This lesson is not only ‘timely’ – again, arguably more now than ever before in our lifetimes or even in modern history – but literally encapsulates so much of why if this ISN’T ‘the tribulation’, we ought to at least be able to smell it from here.

The Erev Shabbat overview of “Matot” (Numbers chapters 30 through 32) also includes a recap of news that helps to make the point about just how relevant the instruction is:

Mark has said he often focuses on Numbers chapter 30 as one of THE most important to understand when it comes to what has happened to marriage in a world which only pretends any more to read Scripture-as-Written. But this time in the Sabbath Day teaching he takes a different approach, right out of verse 3. If there is a single failure which describes why AmeriKa-with-a-K deserves what it has now earned, that may well be the Primary Descriptor:

The combined audio file is here,
“Matot: Vows – and Why a Man’s Word MATTERS”