On this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio – Episode 76, Program Part 12 dealing with 1 Corinthians 13:5, we will examine some practicalities on how NOT TO “love someone to death” from within a context of how not to be a “poddy-mouth” and “empty head,” comparing wisdom and love from above and below.

Oftentimes, many of us will fall victim to one or more well-meaning Christians who feel it is their absolute duty to make the rounds and inspect everyone’s Fruit of the Spirit “out there” and if it doesn’t make the grade that has been imposed, then their “correction in love” will likely follow soon after. Of course, there those “out there” who consider themselves well-studied, highly educated, and in some cases, boasting of a learning pedigree of Bible wisdom and understanding that reads like a mini- encyclopedia. This kind of person, oftentimes a well-known author and/or lecturer, is always in demand, elevated and sought after as a “biggie” among the Bible intellectuals of our world. Then, we have the dichotomy between Jews of great biblical wisdom and Gentiles with a not-so-great measure of biblical wisdom who might only show up as a tiny blip on the scale of the “who’s who” in biblical wisdom.

In his public ministry, Yeshua taught that this kind of elevating of earthly wisdom can lead to holding some people in contempt, calling them by the Aramaic term “raqa.”  Saying this or even thinking this about another is akin to calling them an empty head, an idiot, stupid, uneducated, and other derogatory ideas concluding with the term “a fool” which comes from Psalm 14:1. Then, there is the Serpent creature of Genesis 3:1 who used his high wisdom and subtle shrewdness for name-calling to provoke Eve and Adam, by challenging them to his made-up game of, “who has the greater wisdom — me or you.” We know where this led them. And what’s worse is that today, we sometimes play the Serpent’s same exact game by walking in our flesh, one to another, and weakening the body of Messiah. In Genesis 2:25 and 3:1, Yehovah calls this behavior shameful, unbecoming, and unseemly; Paul called it “crap” in Philippines 3:8, as he related to it in his own life, and we’ll talk about all this on today’s episode of Real Israel Talk Radio.

Join us for this lesson on Biblical Love From Above and Below with this episode number 76 on Real Israel Talk Radio.