On this episode of Real Israel Talk Radio – Episode 75, Program Part 11 we will examine 1 Corinthians 13:5 and “Love” from within a context of those who spend their time perfecting The Art of Poddy-Mouth. We will come to understand how divine love relates to each of us through his words and actions, comparing them to Genesis 2:25 and Genesis 3:1.

Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 13:5 that divine giving love does NOT speak or behave in a manner that is considered “ervah.” This means divine love DOES NOT speak and/or act towards one another in the same way that one might need to to a toilet empty out our bowels and/or our bladder on brothers and sisters in the body of Messiah.

Indeed, we are often much too free with our words and actions towards each other in the same way that we come to a toilet to empty out our bodily waste using the orifice of our “poddy mouth” and  unclean heart of flesh. Yes, we essentially urinate and defecate all over people that are around us in our believing communities, our congregations, and yes, even on our loved ones in our homes, “loving them” by freely unloading our business on each another, in a way that is described from the Hebrew and Greek words as “crap.” Thus, with this kind of “love,” we do not testify to the true wisdom that we are supposed to possess.

Paul’s teaching is that the divine biblical love model of Heaven never behaves with “ervah” – words and/or actions that emanate from below; from a cunning, crafty, and philosophical wisdom that is  unbecoming, unseemly, naked, exposed, and uncovered – perfecting The Art of Poddy-Mouth. We’ll learn more about this on these next two podcasts in this series – episodes 75 and 76. Join us for this lesson on being wise as serpents and innocent as doves.