Are you new to the Bible? Would you like to understand it better? If so, tune into these programs which serve to help the new believer in the Messiah.
Latest Podcasts in Biblical Basics
Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 22
The teachers complete the study of the Book of the prophet Ezekiel, chapter 22, and one of the most stark, even undeniable, sets of warning that are at least as applicable now as whey were even almost three millennia ago.
“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly
This one may need a warning up-front. Regular listeners already know that Mark Call has never been inclined to "pull his punches," and sometimes tends to be fairly blunt. But when it's a matter of "life and death" - or, now, MORE - sometimes it's necessary to "take...
Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 50 – “A Concise History of the Beast”
As I glanced at the Zoom chat box after our weekly classes, this week, I realized that not everyone was clear on why we fast on the Tenth of Tevet. While most of my weekly online students have been with me for several years, newer students missed the Four Fasts and the Torah portions in which we unpacked some reasons why they appear in Zechariah. It dawned on me…if they missed some of the Four Fast teachings, then probably they’re a little lost when I discuss the Egyptian crocodile/serpent as the “father” of the beast kingdoms. It’s not that folks don’t try to catch up, it’s that the number of teaching videos available is overwhelming when one searches for a particular topic of interest. I can’t even remember what topic is in what videos!
In this week’s episode, I will re-cap a 2020 teaching on the Torah portion Vayechi, which describes how Egypt became the crocodile/serpent and how Joseph lost his position as “father to Pharaoh.”
Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Covenant Community 101 | What Are You Thinking? | Part 6
In Genesis 6:5 we see that man’s thinking had devolved to “only evil continually” which caused the Creator to be grieved in His heart. What does this mean “grieved in His heart”? Yet, there was one man, Noach (Noah) who was “a righteous man, perfect in his...
Mark Call – Parsha “Vayechi” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
Students of torah have seen for years that there are (at least) two "types and shadows," or harbingers of the Messiah, the first of which, Mashiach ben Yosef, aka 'the Suffering Servant,' and the final installment of the story of his life, is described in this parsha,...
Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Ezekiel ch 21 into 22
The Torah teachers finish the study of Ezekiel, chapter 21, and head in chapter 22. And, frequently, it seems that the most dire prophetic warnings should apply today, especially to a nation that has 'forgotten God.' But THESE are definitely in a class by themselves!...
Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Covenant Community 101 | What Are You Thinking? | Part 5
Rabbi Steve Berkson addresses the topic of “Yeshua knows our thoughts and our struggle with authority”. We begin with the event where Yeshua healed a person by simply saying “Your sins be forgiven you”, which caused an uproar with the religious leaders of the time,...
Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 49 – “Twins of the Gazelle”
The Song of Songs is more than a love song between Israel and the Holy One; it is prophecy. We’ve worked our way through three chapters in the Footsteps of Messiah series to see if any of these Good News footsteps on the mountains fit our generation. As it turns out, the prophecies are a huge encouragement to those who find the Light of the Torah as part of their walk with the Beloved Yeshua. Loving the commandments as Yeshua urged is part of responding to those footsteps of return.
In Chapter Two, we saw the Beloved compared to a gazelle, a fast-moving animal. He returns at the cool of the day when the shadow flee; that is, they disappear quickly.
“Until the cool of the day, when the shadows flee, turn, my beloved, and be like a gazelle…” (So 2:17)
Now we have arrived at Chapter Four of the Song of Songs, which contains some repetition from previous chapters. This allows the reader…if he or she has parsed the previous three chapters…to read more intelligently, to see more fine print of prophecy. This is a good opportunity to introduce a study tool for all Scripture study; it is handy to have in your toolbox!
The pattern is one of twins and pairs, or zugot. In the late Second Temple period, there were famous zugot, or pairs of rabbis, who complemented (and sometimes antagonized!) the work of another. Ezra and Nehemiah complemented the work of the other. Joshua and Caleb. You get the idea.
Why is this important?
Mark Call – Parsha “Vayigash” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
Join Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa Fellowship for a two-part look at parsha Vayigash, Genesis 44:18 through 47:27, and the conclusion of the story of Yosef's testing of his brothers, and what Mark refers to as Yehuda's time to 'Man Up.' This week's story is about...
The End of the New World Order Book Review Part 2
To all the brave researchers and journalists who risked their lives, and in some cases, were killed in exposing secret societies and globalists AGENDAS enslaving and deceiving humankind into worshiping their “god” Lucifer. I too could be risking my life to expose the...
The End of the New World Order Book Review
Book Review By Pastor Larry Scher I want to thank my Heavenly Father and His Son for His sacrifice that delivered us from ourselves, our sins, and the works of the devil. For over fifty years I have been a truth-seeker. I am most grateful to my past mentors, teachers,...
Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Covenant Community 101 | What Are You Thinking? | Part 4
Although Yahweh told a group of people that He chose them to be a select group for His purpose, there was a contingency attached, the “if/then” that we read about–“If you diligently obey my voice, then I will accept you as my people.” So, regardless of what is taught...