Are you new to the Bible? Would you like to understand it better? If so, tune into these programs which serve to help the new believer in the Messiah.
Latest Podcasts in Biblical Basics
Mark Call – Parsha “Miketz” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
This week's reading from the Torah, parsha Mikets (Genesis/Bereshiet chapter 40 through 44:17) is the second reading dealing with the life and times of Yosef (Joseph) and which might be referred to as the "Time In-between." It begins with "after two whole years,"...
“Come out of her, My people” Show ~ Mark Call weekly
As we near the end of the secular year, this time is typically what is referred to as a "slow news" period, in spite of the continued attempts to foment nuclear war, and destroy what's left of the nation before any 'transfer of power,' peaceful or otherwise. As such,...
Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Darkness & Light | Part 14
“One thing that is vital, but missing in a lot of the teachings that you’ve learned from all of your life, is the strength of context.” –Rabbi Steve Berkson The topic of this episode of Darkness & Light is, “being called out of darkness, into His marvelous light.”...
Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 137 (It’s Not Christmas! Part 2)
The Story of Hanukkah…continued
Mark Call – Parsha “Vayashev” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
This week's reading from the Torah, parsha Vayazhev (Genesis/Bereshiet chapters 37 through 40) shifts the story of the line of the patriarchs to Yosef/Joseph, the first-born son of Rachel. The Bible tells us there was favoritism, and that is just part of the reason...
Babylonian Eclipses, Planetary Alignment & Revelation 1 Vision
UPCOMING FEBRUARY 2025 SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS! Originally posted Mar 25, 2024 but we are getting very close and world events seem to be ramping up the closer we get to Feb 2025. Are ancient eclipses during the fall of ancient Babylon connected with present day eclipses over the United States? The answer and where these ancient eclipses occur WILL surprise you! Is the upcoming planetary alignment of ALL seven planets connected to John’s vision of the revealing of Y’shua Messiah in Revelation chapter 1? Watch this video all the way to the end to be amazed at the possibilities and then pray about what you and your family can do to get ready physically and spiritually… just in case.
Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapters 61 into 63
The Torah teachers complete the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah chapter 61, and then continue through 62 and into chapter 63.
Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Darkness & Light | Part 13
How does your behavior relate to Darkness and Light? This is the theme as Rabbi Steve Berkson takes you into 1 Peter chapter two, the letter from Peter to the “Strangers of the Dispersion.” • Who are these “Strangers of the Dispersion”? (1 Peter 1:1-2) • What did the...
Dr Hollisa Alewine – Footsteps of Messiah Part 136 (It’s Not Christmas!)
The Story of Hanukkah…
Mark Call – Parsha “Vayishlach” teaching from Shabbat Shalom Mesa
This week's parsha, Vayishlach (Genesis/Bereshiet 32:4 thru chapter 36) continues the story of Yakov/Jacob at the time where he has left the house of Laban, and begins the return to his hom, as commanded. And, importantly, that story begins with his encounter with his...
Torah Teachers’ Round Table – Tanakh Edition – Isaiah chapters 60 into 61
The Torah teachers complete the study of the Book of the prophet Isaiah chapter 60, and then continue into chapter 61.
Now Is The Time w/Rabbi Steve Berkson | Darkness & Light | Part 12
• Is there anything bad or wrong about eschatology or being concerned about the end time? • What does the concern about the end time have to do with darkness and light? As we read what the apostle Shaul, or Paul, wrote to the congregation of Messianic believers in his...