Author: His Word Heals

Hezekiah’s 2nd Passover & the 2nd Exodus

Revelation Seals, 7 Year Warnings & ‘Gates’ of Hell Quantum Dot Vaccine. We are told in BOTH the Old & New Testaments to ‘come out’, ‘be seperate’ & ‘TOUCH NOT THE UNCLEAN’. This program looks at this and much more! Revelation Horses & Y’shua’s Matthew 24 Birth Pangs are one in the same & have been riding in unison for 2000 years. ‘Gates’ of Hell Quantum Dot Tattoo Vaccination, Mandatory Track-able Vaccines. Signs in the Heavens, Warnings of Seven & Hezekiah’s 2nd Passover. A must listen to program & must watch video.

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2nd Passover, 2nd Exodus & Revelation Seals

Most people have since dismissed the 2014-15 blood moon tetrad as all hype and no substance, but is that the case?  Or were they perhaps marking the beginning of a 7 year warning?  YHWH told Noah exactly when the rain would start… seven days before it started and YHWH sealed Noah and his family into the ark.  Joseph also receive a 7 year warning before a great famine covered the land during which time he was instructed to prepare. 

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