Author: His Word Heals

Revelation Churches Pt 2

Ephesus & Philadelphia. This week we take a more in depth look at the message to the church or assembly of Ephesus in Revelation 2 regarding falling away from our first love and being warned to repent and return to the first works.  The Revelation messages to the churches were received by John for 7 churches or assemblies existing in the first century CE but are also prophetic messages or warnings for the assemblies of believers in the end of days just before the return of Y’shua Messiah.  Warnings that need to be heeded as we enter the judgements of Revelation leading to His Millennial Kingdom. 

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Revelation Churches, Antakya Turkey, Earthquake Canyon

We all by now know about the huge 7+ earthquakes in Turkey followed by dozens of 5 & 6+ aftershocks but have you seen the huge canyon that broke open just outside the city of Antakya, Turkey. A city of 100s of thousands of residents that is now not much of a city anymore? These Antakya earthquakes the night of Feb 6th, or Tu B’Shvat on the Biblical calendar, split a huge olive grove in 2 with a canyon about 130 ft or 13 stories deep and a football field’s length wide! It’s absolutely amazing to see so I will show you the video shortly but first do you know the history of Antakya? It was founded about 300bc and is… drum roll, the new testament city of Antioch where the disciples were first called “Christians” or Messianics! Then we start at the beginning of Revelation and begin a fresh look at the messages John received for the 7 churches.

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Earthquake, Thunders, Lightnings, & Voices PT 2

Part 2 of 2 Part Message.  Opening the 7th Seal of Revelation.  Four signs found elsewhere in scripture and interpreted according to the Old Testament Prophets.  Are we seeing signs that may indicate that the 7th Seal of the Scroll of Revelation has been opened and the First Trump of Revelation may be ready to sound this fall 2023?  Does Isaiah 29 speak of the Scroll of Revelation being sealed up and unable to be read by Jews or anyone without Y’shua Messiah? Does it also tell us the Scroll of Revelation is also not able to be read by Christians even if they have Y’shua as Messiah unless they get ‘literate’ in Torah?  Does Revelation 8:5 as understood according to the OT prophets allude to drug sorceries and vaccines at or near the opening of the 7th Seal?  We look at all of this and more in this message!

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Earthquake, Thunders, Lightnings, & Voices

Part 1 of 2 Part Message.  Visit Blog Page at for full message FULL MESSAGE PODCAST LINK ON HWH NOW WORKING PROPERLY (sorry for the inconvenience). Opening the 7th Seal of Revelation.  Four signs found elsewhere in scripture and interpreted according to the Old Testament Prophets.  Are we seeing signs that may indicate that the 7th Seal of the Scroll of Revelation has been opened and the First Trump of Revelation may be ready to sound this fall 2023?  Does Isaiah 29 speak of the Scroll of Revelation being sealed up and unable to be read by Jews or anyone without Y’shua Messiah? Does it also tell us the Scroll of Revelation is also not able to be read by Christians even if they have Y’shua as Messiah unless they get ‘literate’ in Torah?  Does Revelation 8:5 as understood according to the OT prophets allude to drug sorceries and vaccines at or near the opening of the 7th Seal?  We look at all of this and more in this message!

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3 Brides, 3 Branches, 2 Sticks, 2 Trees

1 Resurrected Bride & 1 Kingdom of Israel. Thoughts on scripture, salvation, and who we are in Y’shua Messiah.  Why would anyone want to convert to be part of the dead bride.  Torah can not save without what Y’shua did on the cross or tree!  Torah only instructs and then condemns.  It is VERY VALUABLE as a teacher of how to live in our Abba’s Kingdom or House but even if you think you can keep Torah perfectly, it will not save you without Y’shua’s death on the cross and resurrection, period.  Those that deny Y’shua is YHWH come in the Flesh are deceived by the spirit of Anti-Messiah.  His invitation to eternal life is open to ‘whosoever’. 

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