Author: His Word Heals

Chiastic Calendar of Current World Events on Revelation Timeline

DEAD CENTER COMING UP MARCH 30TH (NISAN 1)! PART 1 – World event timeline related to Revelation timeline. Agenda 2030, WEF, United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, US NDAA 2021 Corporate Transparency Act, Beneficial Ownership Information. Ezekiel’s “wheels within wheels” moving straight forward in four directions toward the end of this age! Could there be a chiastic structure (forward timeline mirrored backwards with the emphasis of both pointing to the middle) to the Revelation timeline as it relates to current world events especially since the year 2019 and pointing to something significant coming around Passover 2025?

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Donald Trump, Alexander the Great &…

The Notable Horn of Daniel 8. Many are starting to wonder if President Trump is the Anti Messiah or little horn of Daniel 8? Short answer, we don’t believe that is the case. HOWEVER, in this message today we will show you why (with lots of evidence) we believe Donald Trump is the Notable Horn on Daniel’s hairy goat which was already fulfilled one time by Alexander the Great and his conquering of the then known world power kingdom of the Medes and the Persians which as Daniel tells us are the two horns of the ram. In order to understand what’s happening right now and what will very likely soon come to pass from a biblical understanding we need to take a look at Alexander the Great’s very short history leading up to his great victories over world powers and untimely death. The AM figure of that time was fulfilled in Antiochus Ep IV as the little horn of Daniel 8) who rose from one of the four divisions of Alex kingdom after his death.

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Reality or Illusion, Truth or Delusion Pt2

Audio below is 2nd half only (PLUS some extra thoughts and very current headlines NOT contained in the original video).  Our Thoughts for Feb 2025. Wow is all we can say regarding current events in the US! Events are moving at such a warp speed we can hardly keep up. While we admit many of the reforms being made in the US government appear very good, we are being very cautiously optimistic. We certainly don’t want to be a ‘downer’ however as watchmen we feel it is our duty to encourage all of you to keep your eyes open and your guard up. Because those in power right now seem to be on the conservative side and on the side of weeding corruption out of government most ‘conservatives’ are on the cheering team and for obvious reasons. However, with all of the sweeping reforms being made via norms and chain of authority being bypassed as well as using emergency powers to accomplish what could not be accomplished without them due to restraints and protection of our constitution, we need to pause, step back and consider the (perhaps unintended) long-term consequences of such precedence being set. A look at both what seems to be good and what may be very concerning with regards to Trump’s administration’s actions thus far. Stay frosty, aware and in prayer!

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Reality or Illusion, Truth or Delusion?

Our Thoughts for Feb 2025. Wow is all we can say regarding current events in the US! Events are moving at such a warp speed we can hardly keep up. While we admit many of the reforms being made in the US government appear very good, we are being very cautiously optimistic. We certainly don’t want to be a ‘downer’ however as watchmen we feel it is our duty to encourage all of you to keep your eyes open and your guard up. Because those in power right now seem to be on the conservative side and on the side of weeding corruption out of government most ‘conservatives’ are on the cheering team and for obvious reasons. However, with all of the sweeping reforms being made via norms and chain of authority being bypassed as well as using emergency powers to accomplish what could not be accomplished without them due to restraints and protection of our constitution, we need to pause, step back and consider the (perhaps unintended) long-term consequences of such precedence being set. A look at both what seems to be good and what may be very concerning with regards to Trump’s administration’s actions thus far. Stay frosty, aware and in prayer!

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