Author: Hollisa Alewine


The issue of slavery is a difficult one for the modern mind, especially in America where its negative effects didn’t cease with the end of the Civil War. In Torah study, the many English translations of the Hebrew word eved into “slave” can confuse even the wisest of readers. “Slave” rips the economic position of the eved out of its Hebrew cultural and Biblical context and leaves a very bad taste in the mouth.

Join in today’s study as Dr Alewine unpack this week’s double Portion with a more in-depth study on the citizenship of the servants and how they are spoken of in Yeshua’s parable of the vineyard.

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DR HOLLISA ALEWINE – EMOR (The Hours: Not Even the Angels Know)

This week’s Torah Portion, EMOR covering Leviticus 24:1-24: 23 is important because of our investigation of the Temple hours, which are different from regular hours. Here we will shed insight into what was happening in the Heavenlies during Yeshua’s hours on the crucifixion tree. It also gives a new understanding of why Yeshua cried out, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken me?”

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