Deriving the curse from the blessing in Bilaam’s prophecy.
Read MorePosted by Hollisa Alewine | Jul 4, 2021 | Biblical Basics, Torah Class - Hollisa Alewine, Understanding Torah, Weekly Torah Portion Reading |
Deriving the curse from the blessing in Bilaam’s prophecy.
Read MorePosted by Hollisa Alewine | Jun 27, 2021 | Biblical Basics, Torah Class - Hollisa Alewine, Uncategorized, Understanding Torah, Weekly Torah Portion Reading |
In this program Dr. Hollisa Alewine teaches about the two “B’s” of Magic and how the occult works as we uncover who Bilaam and Balak were in this week’s Torah Portion.
Jewish sages believe that BOTH Balak and Bilaam were sorcerers. Balak was the greatest magician in Moav. He was called Balak ben Tzippor, they believe, because he was proficient at an ancient magic in which the forces of tum’a (from tamei, impurity) could be manipulated by crafting the image of a bird (tzippor) from gold (head), silver (beak), and copper (wings), etc. and then assembling each part at a specified time of day.
Read MorePosted by Hollisa Alewine | Jun 20, 2021 | Biblical Basics, Torah Class - Hollisa Alewine, Understanding Torah, Weekly Torah Portion Reading |
Twice in the wilderness a rock is prompted to bring forth water to drink. In Chukkat, Moses and Aaron make a huge mistake that seems like a minor one. Instead of speaking to the Rock as instructed, they strike the Rock as they did the first time. This brings us to the Bible study tip of the week. Miracles ARE repeated, but they are not performed the same way twice. Perhaps this is why in this Torah Portion Chukkat we begin to understand why it is that righteous people die.
Read MorePosted by Hollisa Alewine | Jun 13, 2021 | Biblical Basics, Torah Class - Hollisa Alewine, Understanding Torah, Weekly Torah Portion Reading |
When we lose the big picture, it’s easy to cool off spiritually. In this week’s Torah Portion “Korach,” Korah and his rebels had cooled off even after the great experience at Sinai. Because the Israelites couldn’t stand to hear more than the Ten Words, they had to trust Moses when he gave them additional instructions. That, however, was the playing field of suspicion on the part of the rebels. It was another authority “snake test” of “Did God really say…?
Read MorePosted by Hollisa Alewine | Jun 6, 2021 | Biblical Basics, Torah Class - Hollisa Alewine, Uncategorized, Understanding Torah, Weekly Torah Portion Reading |
Why is the list of the twelve tribes missing two names? There may be clues as to the re-bibliography of the tribes in Revelation, and those clues are found in this week’s seeds of prophecy in Shelach Lekha.
This Torah portion provides some of the primary texts from which the idea of two messiahs arose in Jewish tradition: Messiah bar Ephraim (Hoshea/Joshua) and Messiah bar David (Caleb):
Numbers 13:1-16; 14:1-10; 14:36-38
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