Author: Hollisa Alewine


Does it seem like the word “today” is used a lot in our Torah portion? The Hebrew for “today” is HaYom. The emphasis on the opening passage of Nitzavim is “today.” The principle of “today” is that it is the day in which one listens to the voice of Elohim. Adam and Eve feared the voice of Elohim walking in the Garden because they had not listened to it, obeyed it. Today is the time of obedience to the commandments. Here are a few of the multiple verses in Deuteronomy that define “today” as the day of listening to and obeying the commandments, the voice of Elohim.

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DR HOLLISA ALEWINE – 144,000 Harps: Hidden Songs of Israel (New BEKY Book)

You are invited to join us for a sneak peek at 144,000 Harps: Hidden Songs of Israel today. It is the latest BEKY Book, anticipated to be released sometime in September. Today we will look at the final chapter of the book, “The Great Hallel.” If you thought you knew what a song was, you might re-think it after reading 144,000 Harps! If you know a singer or musician, please pass the invitation along.

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Can we clear up some Hebrew grammar?

“When you go out to battle against your enemies, and the LORD your God hands them over to you and you take them away captive…” (Dt 21:10)

Each Hebrew verb has its own preposition, which is not always the same as English. Translators often try to help by using the English preposition, which helps with basic understanding, but sometimes strips a great lesson. In Hebrew, a person doesn’t battle AGAINST an enemy, but ON them.

When you go out to war [on] your enemies ?????????…

The Father doesn’t want you to go out against your enemies. That implies push-pushback-push-pushback. Where does it end? Instead, He wants you to go out to war ON the enemy. Get on top. Subject him so that he doesn’t rise again. Squash him completely. In spiritual terms, take your appetites, emotions, desires, and intellect, and subject them to the smackdown of Spirit and the Word of Truth. They will then become best friends instead of adversaries.

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In earlier lessons on the serpent Pharaoh and how he gave his authority to the first beast kingdom of Babylon, you learned the four kingdoms of the beast: Babylon, Persia/Medea, Greece, Rome, and the mixed iron-and-clay daughters of the Roman Empire in current world systems. Babylon has always sought to rule Heaven with its golden head, but Rome (the Red One, Edom) desired to rule the earth. Nevertheless, they are part of the same image. If the mixed clay and iron feet of the Beast on earth are shaken by judgment (mishpat) by the four horsemen, then the golden head of Babylon, which is given authority by the serpent mystically called Egypt and Babylon fighting in the heavenlies, the entire image will also fall along with its idolatry, deceits, and sorceries.

This “coalition” would have only a short time to continue deceiving mankind. In Re’eh, the destruction of idolatrous cities, idolators, and false prophets is described in detail for Israel. These details will emerge in the judgment on the idolatrous nations in John’s Revelation…

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