An earthquake initiates the end-time “day of the LORD” but it’s overlooked where it’s encoded as a lion’s roar. Y’shua is the Lion of Juday, Rev 5:5. He is #1 by the throne in Rev 4:7 and when He “roars” the heavens and earth shall shake, Joel 3:16. This precedes the 7 seals of Rev 6 and also the 7 thunders of Rev 10 where an angel cries as a lion roars, verse 3. An earthquake is clearly seen in Rev 8:5 before the 7 trumpets. Please listen to this audio for other insights in Rev 1-11.
About The Author
Richard Ruhling is MD, MPH, board-certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiolgoy Fellowship and taught Health Science at Loma Linda University. His interest in prophecy dates to 1986 when he attended a conference and learned about God's name, Y'shua, feast days and jubilee. He believes "the day of the Lord" will begin in 2023 with Muslim's taking Jerusalem (Zech 14:1,2) at Passover followed by the earthquake of Joel 3:16 a month later (2nd Passover as provided in Numbers 9:11 as explained in this series titled "The Bride of Christ." The King makes a marriage for His Son and sends His serviants to bid others to the wedding. Please invite others to this series (Matt 22:2-10. Readiness for impending events has the highest reward in Luke 12:35-44. Are we serious about what is so important to Y'shua that He is giving us so much--"to whom much is given, much is required" verse 48. Please join us!
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