Health according to the Scriptures By Paul Nison


Health According to The Scriptures is a brilliant expose, containing wonderful expressions of knowledge and enlightenment that ex­plores…

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Health According to The Scriptures is a brilliant expose, containing wonderful expressions of knowledge and enlightenment that ex­plores the values of the true wealth of health. More importantly, this book will also help you establish the spiritual understanding of the created being that is called human. This book is a template of knowledge, insightfulness and wisdom. A creativity produced by ex­periences in life that will benefit all who read it.

This book is filled with information on how to enjoy the abun­dance of life that Our Creator YHWH has created for those who obey Him and all His instructions. These instructions include His proper dietary laws. If followed, it will sustain us with “wealth and health” and give us the fullness of life that we all desire.


health accourding to scripture