Andrew Hodkinson - Who May Ascend?


An authentic and modern interpretation of the ancient Psalms of Israel.       I was raised in…

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An authentic and modern interpretation of the ancient Psalms of Israel.




I was raised in the Protestant tradition and was always active in various churches from a young age. Whether it was performing solos or being involved in worship, I loved being involved in church music and could always understand the psalmist who wrote, “Better is one day in Your courts than a thousand elsewhere.” In time I studied a Bachelor of Music and a Bachelor of Theology and sought to head ultimately into full time ministry.

Around this time I felt drawn to the Hebrew Roots of the Christian faith and understanding Jesus in his original Jewish context. This has led to being ordained to run a Hebrew Roots congregation in Underberg, South Africa, where we keep the ancient biblical calendar with its Festivals and Sabbaths. This we celebrate in the revelation of the Messiah and our citizenship as children of Israel.

I’ve also been encouraged to use my musical skills two restore the Psalms (which I like to call “God’s ancient hymnbook”) to music. This has led to opportunities to sing in cathedrals, churches, home fellowships and synagogues in South Africa and in other countries around the world.

I’m now married to my wife Nicki, we have a dog called Bradey and a couple of chickens running around!a time to love

– Written January 2013