Steven ben-Noon

Steven ben-Noon


Bonnie Harvey

Bonnie Harvey


Steven Katriel Ben-Nun (DeNoon) is from a line of Rabbis. According to family legend, the Ben-Nun family are descendants of Joshua. Steven became a believer in Yeshua as Messiah at the age of 8 and later as an adult he yielded his life completely to The G-d of Israel who had His own plans and began to mold him into the voice He wanted Steven to be.

Steven speaks internationally as an; Author, Biblical and Hebraic Scholar, Advocate for Israel, and Biblical Equality. He is an author and journalist regarding political and Biblical climate effecting Israel. With a passion for the Jewish people to know the identity of The Messiah, Steven has dedicated his life to the academic study of the Hebrew language privately for over 25 years. He’s attended Pensacola Christian College and completed the Hebrew Biblical course and also study at an Ulpan in Tel-Aviv, Israel in 2004. While living in Israel he narrowly escaped a suicide bomber on September 22, 2004. The miraculous events that have surrounded his life shape the message that he passionately speaks about publicly.

He is the author of two books; Israel, Are they still God’s People? and Yam Suph, Israel’s Final Exodus.

Bonnie Harvey is a successful attorney who was raised in a Sabbath keeping church but left as a young adult taking the conviction of the Sabbath and respect for God.  It wasn’t until her daughter was stricken with metastasized melanoma and a pending divorce that she finally asked, “Are You real?  Do you really offer the peace that passes understanding?”  Within 4 months the answer came – a changed life with a new heart and new eyes.  At my request of a church that worshiped as did the first century church, Father showed her Hebrew roots a short time later.

Flashpoint focuses current news events from around the world, both in mainstream and alternative media with a particular emphasis on Israel.


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