What better way is there to give honor to the Father than to follow in the steps of our teacher Messiah Yeshua and become one in every way with the Father.

In this teaching, Rabbi Steve Berkson continues where we left off in John 17 where we find Yeshua praying for His disciples to be “one, even as we are one”.

In an unexpected right turn, Rabbi Berkson takes us into Ephesians 4:11 to show us through the words of the apostle Paul that there are people in various positions whose purpose is to help us get to this place of unity with each other and being one with the Father.

Is there a difference between being “child-like” and behaving like a child?

What is a “Gentile”?

When we see the phrase, put off the old man that has been corrupted–what does corrupted mean? Rabbi Berkson explains what being corrupted is in this sense.