Moving into the letter to the Hebrews chapters 7-9, a comparison or contrast of not only the two priesthoods, Levitical and Melchizedekian, begins to be made, but also a comparison of the two temples–earthly and heavenly.

Then, arriving at the key verse that has to do with the Covenant, 7:22, Rabbi Steve Berkson proposes a better, more understandable translation and interpretation of the Greek behind the English.

Rabbi Berkson points out a significant revelation regarding the thought that the Torah and Covenant was “weak” and “earthly” which is that they were not what was weak or earthly, but rather, it was the human-beings that were operating within the Torah and Covenant. You will not hear that on a Sunday!

If you’ve ever been told that the Book of Hebrews is just too hard to understand, then you definitely should watch this episode. Rabbi Berkson breaks down verse by verse, passage by passage, passionately relating the revealed meanings so that you understand and benefit.


• What does New York pizza have to do with the Covenant?

• What are the “necessary adjustments” that were made regarding the two priesthoods?

• How can Messiah Yeshua serve as a High Priest since He is not of the correct lineage?

• The Torah cannot perfect anything?

• In what way was the Torah (Law) “weak”?

• In what way is the “new covenant” better? Better than what?

• Verse 28 talks about an “oath” relating to the Torah–in what proximity was this oath?

• Why are some words in the Bible italicized?

• Some say that because we don’t have a Levitical Priesthood in place today, tithing is no longer necessary–is this true?

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