This exciting episode begins the letter to the Hebrews. The goal of going through this letter is to get to chapter 7 and verse 22 where it speaks of Yeshua being the guarantor of a “better covenant”. What does this mean and hasn’t it caused a lot of trouble due to mainstream Christianity’s interpretation of this verse? But, in order to do that, Rabbi Steve Berkson starts us on the journey from the beginning of the letter in order to understand, through context, what the author is saying leading up to chapter 7.

If you’ve ever been told that the Book of Hebrews is just too hard to understand, then you definitely should watch this episode. Rabbi Berkson breaks down verse by verse, passage by passage, passionately relating the revealed meanings so that you understand and benefit.


• Why was the letter to the Hebrews written? What was going on at that time?

• What happens when the structure of your way of life no longer exists?

• Where does Messiah Yeshua fit into the picture of what was happening at that time?

• What perishes and what remains?

• Does the letter to the Hebrews talk about transitioning to a different set of laws?

• Hebrews 4:10 talks about resting from one’s own works–what could this mean?

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