Can peace and joy spring forth from tragedy? In his opening comments Rabbi Steve Berkson describes how Passover which coincides with the death, burial and resurrection of Yeshua Messiah that, although tragic at the time, provide a memorial for us today that can allow for peace and joy to enter into our lives.

This teaching covers John 16 & 17 as Yeshua Messiah is giving final instructions and then prays for His disciples. Instructing them as to what is going to happen to them and through them as they become His apostles and praying the Father to keep them and make them one as they are in the world but not of the world.

What are the two things that cause others to come against you as you walk out Torah? In what way are you a threat to them?

Who is an “Instrument of Elohim”? How is this title abused by many?

How is one set-apart? What are the steps to being set free and set apart?

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