Parsha “Vaetchanan,” (Devarim or Deuteronomy 3:23 – 7:11) is, very what might be called the heart of the heart of His Torah, because it includes not only the ‘reiteration’ of the Ten Debarim (Sayings, Words, or ‘commandments’) but also what the Messiah Himself called the “greatest commandment” of all.

First, he Erev Shabbat reading of some of the most central commandments in the Bible:

In the Sabbath day midrash, Mark Call of Shabbat Shalom Mesa makes the case that there is FAR more to the instruction here than many of us have been led to believe.

Do even the “Ten Commandments” still apply, now that we have been exiled from the land? OR, does He mean what He says about the commandment to neither “add to,” or “subtract from?”

It’s a ‘razor’ that is key to understanding how to discern His Truth from the “lies we have inherited from our fathers.” And a ‘church’ that, all too often, attempts to turn his very Word ‘upside down.’

The deception He warned us about is here. But we can ‘see that your are not deceived.’

WARNING: This is another rather blunt message, because time draws short.

“Vaetchanan: The Razor!”

The combined two-part teaching is here: