Parsha “Ki Tisa” (Exodus 30:11 through chapter 34) may be the most “story- and theme-packed” parsha in the Bible.

This parsha begins with the census, or literally “head-count” — by means of the silver half-shekel — and continues with some of the most important, and repeated issues and admonitions in all of Scripture, from His Sabbaths, to the tragic story of the ‘golden calf’ and the prohibitions (plural!) against any form of idolatry.

And that obviously should include SO much of what has been incorporated into the various flavors of the ‘Whore Church’ by making those forbidden ‘treaties’ with fake gods.

In the Erev Shabbat review of all of that, Mark Call points out again just how often (because Scripture itself does!) we are told things that contradict the more ‘modern’ teaching that “the law is done away with” when in fact even the rhetorical devices in sections like this reveal the degree of THAT particular lie!

During the Sabbath Day teaching, Mark explores the myriad themes that support the story (or vice-versa) in not only the Torah portion itself, but related pictures from Scripture, and things that show us why the pattern there is still SO important today.

Perhaps primary among those, in this world today, is the “blessing and curse” of being stiff-necked. It almost got “kol Israel” killed after the idolatry of the ‘golden calf,’ but may conversely be the kind of “stubbornness” that is needed to face the even more pervasive myriad of idolatries today.

“Ki Tisa: THE Choice – and the Faith to Be Stiff-Necked When it COUNTS”

The combined part 1 and 2 files for both sections are up here, and available for download and off-line listening: