The Way

In this exciting and edifying episode of “the Way” we dive deeper into why the show is called “the Way” than we did in the first episode and some of the really important places that we find it in scripture.

So many people do not even know about this very important term.
So many people read it in scripture and have no idea what it means or even care to separate it from the rest of so many verses when reading it.
In this episode we discover how important these two words are for people who are in a covenanting relationship with the Father and the Son or even if you are just now being called into the real truth.

If you missed show one please join Hebrew Nation Radio as a member and you can find it in the Archives under “The Way” listing.

If you don’t know about the Way or you need a refresher about it you really don’t want to miss this show!

If you have questions you can email me at

OR you can call in on my 1st Day of the week Show called “Live Answers to the Scriptures” at 2PM Pacific Time/5PM Eastern Time.

All glory, praise and honor to Father Yah and Yahushua Messiah! I am more about promoting them and their words of truth from scripture than I am about promoting myself! I am just a servant and nothing more.

Much Love and Shalom to all, Brother Jay