Do you want to make God laugh? Tell Him your plans! Psalm 2 tells us that God laughs at the plans of the kings of the earth who are plotting against His plans. As we read the headlines in today’s news feeds, we see these plans being displayed constantly. Secret meetings in far-off places are bringing together powerful people who think they know better than God how to run the earth and its nations. David, in this Psalm, is reminding us that God has a plan, and it will be fulfilled. We have nothing to fear!

Produced by Steve Rees – Calming Harp

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Steve Rees has been producing Harp Music from the Psalms of David for the past 20 years. He has discovered a connection between the Hebrew text of the Psalms and music notes that develop into chord progressions that form the basis for musical compositions that have been appreciated by thousands of followers. We invite you to join the many lives that have been positively affected by this wonderful music.