Author: His Word Heals

Why is Israel’s Vaccination Campaign such a ‘Success’?

Israel has the highest per capita vaccination rate in the world. As of the creation of the video, 87 out of every 100 people in Israel had been vaccinated against C-19 according to the New York Times (as of the uploading of this video now says 90 out of every 100 people in Israel have been vaccinated). Why is Israel’s vaccination campaign such a ‘success’? Should Christians & Messianics who love the people of Israel take this as an indication of the vaccine’s safety and efficacy when making decisions for ourselves & our families? Why or why not?

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The Great Reset, NESARA & GESARA, Debt Jubilee

Facts regarding the Globalist World Economic Forum’s Great Reset & the New Age Far Right Conservative Movement’s NESARA & GESARA with a great debt jubilee. All eerily similar. The same program but renamed and geared toward 2 different audiences? Compare these to the true biblical Jubilee. What’s the difference? Should Christians want to participate in any of this?

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Amos’ Famine of the Word of YHWH

“The Wise Keep Silent for it is an Evil Time”
We’ve spoken in past programs about a coming famine of food (at the very least for those that will not accept first the vaccine and then a ‘mark’) but will there be a famine of His Word coming in the near future as well?  Let’s take a look at what the book of Amos has to say about this famine. 

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