Author: His Word Heals

Shemini Atzeret Water Libation Ceremony

8th Great Day of Sukkot & Y’shua in the New Testament. We see Y’shua in the Rabbinic water libation ceremony when He proclaimed Himself as provider of living water AND when they poured out water & wine together.  Let’s compare this Rabbinic tradition to what was taking place during Sukkot in the New Testament.  When we look at the big picture everything makes so much sense!  Perhaps a great tradition for this year’s 8th great day would be to pour out water and wine onto the alter of the earth in remembrance and honor of Y’shua the giver of living water Who poured water and blood (wine) out of Himself on the cross for our salvation!

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If you want to know what in the world is going on and what scripture says about it, watch this video through to the end! INCLUDES Seattle Space Needle New Year’s 2021 Video as intro then connects the dots of Revelation sealing of 144,000 with other NT sealing scriptures, Isaiah 8 Wizards that Peep & Mutter, Ezekiel 7-10 where scripture tells us about mankind’s profaning the DNA of Creation which scripture calls “YHWH’s secret”. Did you know the Hebrew word behind profane or pollute in Ezekiel 7:22 means ‘bore’ with something hollow? All this and more! WE NEED TO BE ON OUR FACES IN SACK CLOTH & ASHES STARTING THIS YOM KIPPUR AND PRAY THAT WE ARE AMONG THE SEALED REMNANT OF YHWH!!!

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1999 Time, Covid EUA, Comirnaty, Pfizer BioNTech, CICP

The Original Pfizer BioNTech Vax is not the FDA approved one. Comirnaty is. What’s the difference?  Liability protection.  Variety of interconnected topics reveal the big picture. All information sourced from official governmental & corporate websites. The 1999 Time magazine cover (“Special Issue Future of Medicine”) coming true right before our eyes! Time is running short.  Joseph prepared have you?

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Camps & Shielding CDC Australia Tennessee

Center for National Resilience, CDC Shielding Plan & Tennessee’s Executive Order A world wide plan originating from CDC plans?  Coming to the US in the very near future?  Where do we draw our lines in the sand?  “Come out of her my people” is becoming more urgent and relevant every day.  Be or get prepared to withdraw all consent and take your families to a safe place.  Time is running short.  Joseph prepared have you?

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Center for National Resilience, CDC Shielding Plan & Tennessee’s Executive Order WATCH VIDEO – A world wide plan originating from CDC plans?  Coming to the US in the very near future?  Where do we draw our lines...

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The Solar HYDRO was used at Fire and Rescue Station 8 in Beaumont, TX during hurricane Harvey

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