Author: His Word Heals


Not what most people think or have been taught… Gog is likely another name for the Anti-Christ (Anti-Messiah) and his cohorts. He is from the tribe of Reuben and is also the Daniel 11 King of the North as he will enter Israel coming down from the far north (northern Europe). Ezekiel 38 and 39 are 2 separate Gog battles… Ezekiel 38 is the mid-tribulation invasion by Gog/Anti-Messiah to set up himself as king and the abomination desolation followed by a great earthquake and the splitting of the Mount of Olives allowing those in Judea to flee/escape to/through the valley of the mountains created by this split. Ezekiel 39 is the Gog battle known as Armageddon at the end of the 7 year tribulation after the witnesses are resurrected and ascend into heaven. YHWH makes a great feast of dead kings, mighty men and horses on the mountains of Israel to feed the birds and the beasts (also seen in Revelation 19). Then there is a 7 month burying of bodies and 7 year burning of weapons that takes place into the beginning of Y’shua’s (Jesus’) 1000 year Millennial Kingdom on earth.

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Second Passover & King Hezekiah, Prophetic?

NOTE!! THERE IS A BLOOD MOON ON THIS 14-15TH OF IYAR (HILLEL CALENDAR) OR THE EVENING OF THE SECOND PASSOVER!!! WHICH IS THE NIGHT OF MAY 15TH, 2022 OVER ALL OF N & S AMERICA AND MOST OF WESTERN EUROPE AND AFRICA!!  THE TOTAL ECLIPSE STARTS AT APPROX 9:30PM MOUNTAIN DAYLIGHT TIME IN THE US. Perfect Picture of Our Messiah Who Has Sprinkled Us with His Passover Blood! Perhaps even more relevant and plausible now than it was just a year ago (this shortened version of our original was produced a year ago and the original was a year before that.  This message gets more relevant every year!) This shortened version JUST deals with the Second Passover & King Hezekiah’s Second Passover as it may relate to our (All Israel) end times regathering back to the land.

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Can it Happen Anytime Now? Or do a few other things need to take place first? Will there be one or two Gog Invasions? Who is Gog OF Magog? A closer look at Ezekiel 38 and 39. Who, when, where from, why & then what? These are the questions we will attempt to answer with more scriptural clarity than the traditional teachings. You might be surprised at what we find. This is part 1 of what will likely be only a 2 part series but possibly 3. Part 2 will be available a week or two after Part 1.

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Hidden Leaven… In Plain Sight!

& Judging Others… Should We? Are we as a chosen & transformed people, who do our best to follow all the instructions of YHWH (His Torah) that we are able to follow, looking right past Leaven or Sin in our own lives which is actually hiding right out in the open for outsiders to see and judge as wicked? Then tackling another big issue which is actually interconnected with hidden leaven, should we be judging one another? the world? or ourselves?  What does judging mean anyway?  Did you know there are actually at least 2 main Greek words that are both translated into English as judge?  Let’s insert the correct meanings in order to understand judging better.

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Mercy & Not Sacrifice

Walk even as He walked. He is Merciful! He says He desires mercy & not sacrifice! We must be merciful to each other and love one another as He demonstrated to us in the Person of Y’shua. We can have understanding of all prophecy but without love we have nothing. His love & mercy is what we must demonstrate to the world! But He ALSO says He desires obedience more than sacrifice as well and those that teach the law is done away with will be least in the Kingdom. How do we reconcile these two ideas together as one?

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