Author: His Word Heals

Jubilee, Shofar Teruah, Zephaniah, Jericho & Revelation

What do they all have in common? When studied in context of each other they paint a clearer picture of the end of this age, the time of tribulation and what those that are His, covered by the Blood of Y’shua, have to look forward to. Zephaniah describes the timing of “the Day of YHWH”, the victory over Jericho in Joshua 6 may also give us clues regarding the timing of the Trumps of Revelation and we can see Yom Kippur Jubilee Shofar blasts in all of them! Line upon line and precept upon precept… 25 minutes of connecting the dots!

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Esther, Purim, & Revelation

Hidden Key to Prophecy? Doubles, doubles, doubles all throughout the book of Esther! Is the book of Esther a hidden road map to understanding & navigating through the end times? In this series we will go completely through the book of Esther looking for hidden clues to these days we are living in and those which may likely come to pass very shortly.

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7 Day & 7 Year Warnings in Scripture

Originally created in Nov. 2020 the warnings in this program & video seem to be more relevant & probable now than they were back 1 1/2 years ago and we felt deserved a repeat.  We will continue our series on the Trumps of Revelation next week.   Joseph had a 7 Year Warning Before 7 Years of Famine Began & Noah had a 7 Day Warning Before the Rain Began. As it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of Man.

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Take a Stand!

Draw Your Line in the Sand! As the Aaron Tippin song goes… “You’ve got to Stand for Something, or You’ll Fall for Anything”. And boy is our world falling for anything right now, or WHAT?! It is because we have forgotten what we stand for. What is the great “falling away” or “apostasy” that will allow the Man of Sin to be revealed? As parents do our children understand what we stand for and even more importantly why we stand for it? Especially as “called out remnant” parents are we consistent and do we stand by what we believe to be true no matter what and why do we believe what we believe? Does what we believe change with every new “fragment” found in a cave or every new extra-biblical “lost” book that is unearthed?? However, most importantly of all before we can consistently stand by what believe ‘no matter what’, do we know why we believe what we believe, and do we teach our children consistently why we believe what we believe no matter what? Or are we sending mixed and compromising messages?

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If God can Heal His People… Pt 1

Why is the Church so Sick? Biblical Healing Truths. Originally produced in 2018 from our book written in 2015, we uploaded this video to a YouTube Channel in 2019 that has been deleted by YouTube for “content violations”. This video has been remastered and only slightly updated as everything contained in it was and still is very relevant. Actually even more relevant now than it was years ago! What does the bible say about healing and health? This message is more important for God’s people to know the answer to now than perhaps it ever has been. Your life and ultimately your eternity could depend upon knowing just Who our Creator and Savior is and what He promises (both blessings and cursings) to His people!

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The Solar HYDRO was used at Fire and Rescue Station 8 in Beaumont, TX during hurricane Harvey

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