Author: His Word Heals

Coming Up! 2nd Passover, King Charles Coronation, the Green Man

Anti-Messiah, False Prophet or Precursor Prototype? King Charles III will be coronated as king on the biblical Second Passover in the second biblical month, May 6, 2023 which is also a Shabbat or 7th day Sabbath. Could his very ecumenical coronation be the confirmation or strengthening of a covenant ‘with the many’ for 7 years spoken of in Daniel 9? He will sit on the antique coronation throne over the Stone of Destiny which is believed to be the biblical Jacob’s pillow stone on which Jacob slept when having the vision of angels descending the ladder from heaven (Jacob’s Ladder). Some also believe this Stone of Destiny is also the pillar next to which all of the King’s of Israel where crowned by or on which sat at the entrance to the temple in Jerusalem and that the prophet Jeremiah took this stone from Egypt to Ireland after first temple destroyed. Recorded facts in this video: King Charles wants an ecumenical coronation ceremony even though as monarch he is head of the Church of England and they are against it. Charles is pro-Muslim, studies the Quran, wears both Muslim head garb & Jewish Kippah, reads & agrees with new age / Hindu “Traditionalism” and other new age religion books, has a prominent “Green Man” on his coronation invitations and it is considered by some Jewish publications that he will be a “good King for the Jews”. Get the facts here & then watch for yourselves!

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“Hidden” Passover Messages – Esther Fast

Should we do an Esther fast 3 days prior to the “7th Day” of the feast of Unleavened Bread this year (which would begin on the Feast of First Fruits this year) and then present our petition for the safety of our people before our King on the 7th Day of His Feast… Unleavened Bread?  Chag Sameach!  Have a blessed Passover!  FREE Modified (for Believers in Y’shua Messiah) Haggadah (guide or outline of events & scripture reading) for Passover Seder (Dinner).

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Passover Review & Relation to Prophecy

Let’s get ready for Passover and review just some of these scriptures about this blessed feast!  I’m excited for this Passover, how about you.  Between the first Passover next week and the 2nd Passover a month later we should keep our eyes open for some interesting events to take place.  Have your sandals on, your belts cinched and your staffs in your hands you never know what could happen in any given Passover season but this one certainly seems ripe for some kind of scriptural events to take place!  Whether you’ve not celebrated Passover in a biblical sense before or your an old hand we pray this message helps prepare your heart.

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Revelation Churches Pt 3

Philadelphia & Smyrna. This week we take a more in depth look at the message to the church or assembly of Philadelphia in Revelation 3 regarding the Greek word Philadelphia which is translated elsewhere in the New Testament as brotherly love.  Does the study of the church of Philadelphia present a picture of what was lacking in the church of Ephesus?  When we take a look at all the passages in the New Testament where the Greek word Philadelphia appears can we get a clearer picture of the ultimate goal of believers in Y’shua Messiah as well as the steps that should be taken on our journey from faith in our first love to agape love.  What does it take to be counted worthy to be kept from or escape from (as part of the church or assembly of Philadelphia) the time of great testing that may be about to come upon the whole earth?  Then how does the church of Smyrna compare to the Church of Philadelphia.  The Revelation messages to the churches were received by John for 7 churches or assemblies existing in the first century CE but are also prophetic messages or warnings for the assemblies of believers in the end of days just before the return of Y’shua Messiah.  Warnings that need to be heeded as we enter the judgements of Revelation leading to His Millennial Kingdom.

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