Author: His Word Heals

Mystery Babylon the Great

Who is the Daughter of Babel? Originally posted Feb 2020 but I think you’ll see that the last 3 1/2 years and continued almost daily events have only served to strengthen the validity of this message which appears even more urgent today than ever.  Is Jeremiah 50 & 51 all about ancient Babylon and was this prophecy of her destruction already fulfilled since Babylon is just a bunch of half rebuilt ruins?  Will the ancient city of Babylon be rebuilt to fulfill the end time Daughter of Babylon prophecies?  Or perhaps is end time Mystery Babylon the Great already in existence just waiting for Jeremiah’s prophesied invasion from the North by a multitude of great nations?  Today’s program is the first half of our video entitled Mystery Babylon the Great – Daughter of Babylon on our website at .

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Hear What the Spirit Says to the 7 Churches Pt2

AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH… Is there a correlation between the 8 people on Noah’s Ark and the 7 Churches of Revelation?  What can we glean from the Revelation messages to the 7 Churches when viewed in light of Noah’s flood and the 8 people on the Ark?  You might be surprised at what the parallels and implications may be.  Prayerfully consider this message and these warnings from the book of Revelation to the 7 assemblies, both then and now!

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Hear What the Spirit Says to the 7 Churches

AS IT WAS IN THE DAYS OF NOAH… Is there a correlation between the 8 people on Noah’s Ark and the 7 Churches of Revelation?  What can we glean from the Revelation messages to the 7 Churches when viewed in light of Noah’s flood and the 8 people on the Ark?  You might be surprised at what the parallels and implications may be.  Prayerfully consider this message and these warnings from the book of Revelation to the 7 assemblies, both then and now!

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Part 2 – Messiah 2030 Plus Revelation Timeline & Decoding Daniel’s 2300 Days

Part 2 – A review and synopsis of Messiah 2030’s most explosive decoding tool! We pair that with our exclusive Revelation Timeline (been watching it for 3-4 years now), Signs in the Heavens during the next 7 years AND Daniel’s 2300 days! These are all fitting together perfectly so far like a perfectly pieced together jigsaw puzzle with each piece confirming the accuracy of the others!

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Messiah 2030 Plus Revelation Timeline & Decoding Daniel’s 2300 Days

A review and synopsis of Messiah 2030’s most explosive decoding tool! We pair that with our exclusive Revelation Timeline (been watching it for 3-4 years now), Signs in the Heavens during the next 7 years AND Daniel’s 2300 days! These are all fitting together perfectly so far like a perfectly pieced together jigsaw puzzle with each piece confirming the accuracy of the others!

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The Solar HYDRO was used at Fire and Rescue Station 8 in Beaumont, TX during hurricane Harvey

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